Chapter 238

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Dogday was asleep in his dog bed curled up as his legs kicked in his sleep and he barked a few times as he dreamed about running in a large field, dancing, and twirling around. Jax finally made it to his room, and started to scratch at the vent, Dogday's ears perked up and he woke in an instant. "Jax, what are you doing here so soon?" he asked as Jax appeared in the vent above Dogday's head. Dogday gulped remembering the one nightmare he had, but stayed quiet because he didn't want Jax to feel bad. "I'm sorry to be here so soon, but I got a message from Poppy" he said as he was quiet for a while, but opened his mouth and spoke.

Picky Piggy hums to herself as she makes a bunch of food for the school. "I hope they don't mind me helping cook some meals for the kids, I know the school has healthy meals, but I just want to make sure" she said as she continued with the salad she was making. "I'll also be cooking for all my friends as well, maybe some bacon wrapped steak for Dogday, I know what bacon is from... but Dogday deserves it" she smiled. As she got out the bacon she took a deep breath and started to put it in a pan. "The smell..." she had to hold her breath a few times but she kept saying it was worth it for Dogday.

After she was done with the bacon wrapped steaks she started on food for her other friends. "Maybe a tuna casserole for Catnap, and I'm not sure if Crafty is on her vegan diet yet, that schedule messed her up badly" Picky said as she felt bad for her friend's diet. "Just because she's a unicorn she has to be on a vegan diet.. that's so dumb.." Picky mumbles under her breath. She got to work on vegan meals for Crafty even though she knew her friend would be upset. "I'm sorry Crafty.." she said as she got to work.

"I can't believe they want me on a diet! A vegan diet because I'm supposedly a HORSE!" Craftycorn cried as her partners both held her, and tried to comfort her to no avail. "That CEO is so rude! What did we do to deserve any of this?" asked Bobby as she stroked Crafty's mane to calm her girlfriend down. "This is unacceptable, he first takes Dogday from his family at such a young age, then he took us with false promises that we were getting adopted only to make us into these mascots, he then ends up not caring about any of us since he still uses Dogday for parts, and experimenting. He changed Dogday's voice box to make it more appealing to the kids, he took Dogday's legs and put them onto Hoppy, granted to save their life, but still, if he had a pair of Dogday's legs already, why would he need to take off Dogday's original legs?" As Bubba asks this Craftycorn looks up from Bobby's shoulder to face Bubba. "What..?" she asks as Bubba tilts his head "haven't you seen Dogday's new legs?" he asks as Craftycorn tries to think back to when she saw Dogday's new legs, but she couldn't think of the time. "Wait, so he doesn't have his grey torso anymore?" she asks as Bobby and Bubba both share a look and tell her "no he doesn't, they were replaced after he got sick and almost died" at that Craftycorn's eyes widen. "What?!" she screams as her partners look at her surprised.

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