Chapter 213

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As Catnap, and Dogday made it to Miss Delight's classroom, they noticed her standing in front of the class with a letter in her hands. "Okay class settle down, now we are going to be learning how to write a letter of gratitude to someone" Miss Delight said with a big smile. "Does anyone know what gratitude means?" she asks as a few students raise their hands. As Miss Delight's calling the students to answer her question Sharp Charm and Bitty Kitty watched Dogday and Catnap come to the back with them. Dogday and Catnap both listened to the lesson about writing cards of gratitude to one of the Smiling Critters. They all had to choose a Smiling Critter to write about and a few looked back at Dogday and Catnap as they waved at the students making them smile and get motivated. "So.." Bitty Kitty said standing next to Catnap and leaning her head against the older cat's shoulder. "You two can go, but we are coming with you" Catnap said as Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm both frown in disappointment. Catnap leans close to both them out of hearing range of the students. "Look... Dogday and I don't want to risk losing you two, you both are all Dogday has left, he can't lose you two, and as we know the CEO has two other students, and doing who knows what with them, maybe another Killy Willy lookalike" Catnap explains getting scared expressions and he knew that both the younger mascots felt bad for questioning Dogday's decision. Catnap reassured them with a hug and quick kisses to their cheeks, hoping Miss Delight wouldn't notice. She did notice, but she wouldn't expose Catnap for being a good adult for the smaller mascots. She smiles and continues her lesson until the final bell dismissing all the students she then makes her way out of the school to see Dogday with Catnap, Frowny Fox, Sharp Charm, and Bitty Kitty. She sighed as she walked over just as she tapped his shoulder he jumped a bit in shock. "Sorry, Dogday I needed to speak to you about something important" Dogday looked toward's Catnap and silently begged that he take Bitty Kitty, and Sharp Charm around the factory with Frowny Fox since he was going to be at Home Sweet Home. "Fine, go.." said Catnap with a frown as he felt upset that Dogday wouldn't be joining him as he walks through the factory. "I hope that he has fun with the kids in Home Sweet Home' Catnap thought as he, Frowny Fox, Bitty Kitty, and Sharp Charm were getting ready to go through the factory.

The CEO was having a pretty good day, he managed to create two new toys, and improve his reputation with a new employee. "It's fine, I took care of those bad toys" he tried to explain to her, but the new employee was just trying to figure out what was going on with the factory. They followed the CEO silently as they walked through the factory and took the tour.

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