Chapter 335

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As Rich makes his way to the door he doesn't account for the Dogday prototype to be able to jump over the desk, and speed walk towards him quick enough to grab his wrist. "You're not going anywhere Rich" it said in a deep raspy voice. Rich was freaked out due to the voice being his own. "What's the meaning of this?!" he demands as he struggles against the Dogday prototype's grip. The CEO walks over and smirks "you'll see very soon" the CEO then walks over to the portrait and flips the switches, presses the button until the lights all light up, and the bookshelf ends up opening to reveal the little neon sign 'Smiling Critters Lab' the sign itself makes Rich's heart drop. "Thanks for the info you've given me, it's useful" the CEO said as he followed the Dogday prototype into the lab still holding a struggling Rich. "This won't be a painful process at all, you won't feel a thing, I promise" the CEO injects a sedative into Rich and watches as Rich falls unconscious in the Dogday prototype's arms. "Set him on the table, I'll be back" he says as he grabs his gas mask, and makes his way down the hatch.

Catnap and the other toys were all marching towards the CEO's office door, making their way closer and closer to what they could have imagined to be their final battle for their own freedom against the CEO as the man who created them only saw them as property, and never saw them as they saw each other. Catnap looked at his friends for what he thought would be the last time, but they all seemed to prepared to fight for their lives. With new found strength and determination he and his friends all make their way to the CEO's office. As they made it towards the office though, there was one obstacle for them... Killy Willy was back. Catnap and the others knew Killy Willy was outmatched but it didn't matter considering that Killy Willy had so much more strength then they did. Huggy was still badly hurt, but even he was there to fight alongside his friends. Kissy looked feral at this point she had her teeth bared and she was snarling like a rabid animal. Mommy didn't have her usual look she had a frown, and her angry face was just not right for her face, but Catnap wasn't going to complain. As Killy Willy spotted them all he let out a loud roar at them all, he knew he was outmatched but that wouldn't stop him from trying to kill them all. Killy Willy stayed in front of the door that he was guarding, he was assigned by the prototype himself to guard the CEO and make sure he succeeds in getting what he needs. Killy Willy was ready for all the toys as they charged at him all letting out screeches and roars of their own, the battle begins.

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