Chapter 386

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Dogday was silent as he seen everything. "Ki-" before he said anything he started to cough. Bubba moved over to him. "You've got to stop straining your voice Dogday, it's not good" he mumbles as Dogday's laying on his side on the ground holding his neck. "Look, I'm sorry... I was just so angry at him.." Kickin said as he looked ashamed of his actions. "Just be lucky that nobody saw you" said Bobby with her paws on her hips. She glared at Kickin but it didn't seem to affect the chicken that much. "Look I'm sorry, but I was just..." he couldn't finish the sentence. He looked over to where Catnap went and sighed as Catnap wasn't there anymore. "Should.. I go and apologize?" he asked but the others weren't sure. Catnap had been a bit aggressive these past few days, and it caused a bit of a rift between them all. "We aren't sure that'd be a good idea... especially since Catnap already made Dogday upset to the point of growling in the classroom" Bobby spoke as she looked over towards Dogday. The bell rang and everyone headed inside. Dogday walked into the classroom with Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm trailing after him, Catnap came in soon after, but the child he had nearly killed was nowhere to be seen. He walked further into the room, and Miss Delight came in and glared at him. "Catnap, please leave my classroom" she spoke in a low voice. "What?" he was confused but Miss Delight points with her ruler "please just go find another classroom to help... preferably one without any of the other Smiling Critters in it" as she said this Catnap looked hurt, he looked towards Dogday for some help but he had his arms crossed and was looking out the window avoiding his eyes, Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm were both by his side shaking their heads at Catnap. Catnap was a bit speechless considering that the two used to love him, and treat him like family... now they're acting like he's a total stranger to them. Catnap had angry tears come to his eyes as he stormed out of the classroom. "Fine! I don't need you all, I'll find a better classroom!" he yells this and slams the door startling the students, and making them jump in their seats. "Miss Delight?" one of the students spoke up, Miss Delight looked over at the little girl indicating for the kid to continue her question "what's wrong with the doggy and kitty?" she asks as Dogday's ears flop over the view of his face, Miss Delight looked at him with a sympathetic look as he seemed to be shielding himself from everyone's view. "That's not important right now, what is important is your homework tonight" she spoke as Dogday's ear twitched a bit and he looked at her with a small smile. She smiled back but her gaze also told him to come to Home Sweet Home after school, and he nods in understanding.

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