Chapter 229

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Bitty Kitty got between the two toys as Catnap didn't move but Bee Cat flinched back hissing. Catnap hissed back, but Bitty Kitty faced Catnap with pleading eyes, Catnap huffed and looked away from everyone. "I need to a break from this little... rat" he said making Bee Cat gasp and becoming enraged by Catnap ran to attack him. Catnap runs as Cat Bee chasing him angrily insulting him for calling her a rat. "I am NOT a RAT!!" she screams as she chases him through the factory, Huggy Wuggy and Kissy Missy run after them leaving Frowny Fox to watch Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm. "What's going on?" asked Sharp Charm as he looked towards Frowny Fox "I'm not sure, but if I had to guess, it would be that Cat Bee was insulted being called a rat.." he said as he sighs and starts to slowly walk with the younger mascots towards the fight going on. By the time they got there Huggy was holding Catnap above his head and Kissy held Cat Bee above hers as the two cats were throwing insults at each other. "Oh boy.." Frowny Fox said as the fight kept happening.

Dogday was still asleep the whole time, but had a nightmare.

Dogday was seen in a cell with his paws tied up again, on his left and right were two tunnels where he heard scurrying and screeching. He didn't know what was in the tunnels but they seemed to be closing in. Whatever was in the tunnel sounded big, and a lot of it, Dogday was looking quickly to the left and right tunnels as he tried to break out of the restraints. "HELP!" he screamed but nothing happened as the screeching and scratching came closer. He looked towards each tunnel is floppy ears flipping wildly around his head as his breathing began to quicken. "HELP!" he screamed again but this time it was met with a screech from above his head. He slowly looks up to see Jax in the vent growling down at him "Jax..?" Dogday whispers as he looks up at Jax with fear evident in his voice. Jax opened his mouth but instead of metal teeth he was met with real teeth... human teeth. Dogday screams as Jax jumps down and started to eat him alive. "AHHHHHH..."

"AHHHHHH....!!!!!" Dogday Screams as he wakes up in his dog bed shaking and feeling around the ground and his bed noticing he's alone he starts to relax. 'They are fine... they are fine... they went to the factory, I think' as Dogday was deep in thought he didn't notice that Jax was watching him from the vent. 'I'll warn him later' Jax thought as he walked back very quietly as to not make his presence known.

Catnap finally settled down as Cat Bee went to check on Daisy. "Sorry about that guys... I just.. I don't like that toy, she doesn't settle right with me, I remember her as a kid, she hated me, always preferred... hamsters"

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