Chapter 340

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The CEO watched this from his office, he pounds his first on the desk making everything rattle in response. He watches as Killy Willy starts to blindly fight. "Shoot..." he says as he quickly goes to open the lab.

Killy Willy was fighting blindly after the fire extinguishers were blasted into his eyes. He screeched out in pain, and having his sight gone, he charges at every noise he hears. With him distracted Kissy and Huggy take the opportunity to attack him. Mommy shakes off her own disorientation and charges towards him ready to pin him down. Huggy, and Kissy both tackle him down, while Mommy used her rubber arms and legs to secure him in place. Frowny Fox runs forward and punches him over and over again while also swearing at him and telling him what an awful friend he is. Everyone just watched with wide shocked eyes, jaws dropped. "Are you okay..?" asked Hoppy as it seemed that Frowny was finally calming down. "What are you waiting for, get in there?!" he shouts at Catnap who jumps in surprise at his tone, but runs to the door. He tries to open it even though it's locked "guys it's locked!" As Huggy, Kissy, and Mommy were all trying to secure an angry Killy Willy Catnap needed help trying to open the door. "Come on! I need some help!" he shouts as the rest of the Smiling Critters come over and start to ram the door with their shoulders. "Open up CEO! We know you're in there!" Catnap shouts, but as they all try one more time the door miraculously opens having them all tumble inside. "What the..?!" Catnap looks forward to see Dogday sitting in the CEO's chair. "Hello Smiling Critters" it seems to speak in many little voices at once. "Dogday...?" asks Catnap feeling uneasy as this Dogday had white dilated  pupils. The Dogday in front of them seemed to understand they were a bit scared, but he wasn't fazed, he just shut off the white dilated pupils. "Since when... could you do that?" asked Catnap. "Always" said the Dogday in front of them. "Where is the CEO?" Catnap asked to which the Dogday remained silent. He opened his mouth, but the Smiling Critters all screamed.

The CEO had opened the lab, and t walked inside to see the Dogday prototype standing where it normally did, and the scientists were standing around the second Dogday suit. "So... you managed to kill Sara" said the CEO as he walked inside. He looked over at Micheal, Sara's husband, he was silently crying, but seemed to still work. "The.. The Dogday over there sir.. snapped her neck in front of all of us.." Micheal was quiet until he heard the CEO chuckle. "Just like I asked him to" the CEO responded with a smirk making the scientists all look at him in shock. "Y-You asked him to... KILL MY WIFE?!" Micheal screamed as the CEO shrugged. "It was quite easy, she was holding us all back" the CEO didn't seem to care if he hurt anyone at this point. Micheal was enraged, but knew he couldn't even stand up against the CEO. "Dogday, we have some guests coming in... while we wait, I'd like you to introduce yourself" the CEO commands the Dogday prototype as he nods and walks out of the lab, the bookcase shutting behind him as he sits in the CEO's chair and waits.

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