Chapter 224

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The CEO slammed open the doors to the Playcare with an angry expression. "Where is Dogday?" he demands as the Smiling Critters all look towards him in confusion. "He's near the pool, chill dude" said Kickin Chicken giving the CEO a glare. "What were you all doing running around like that?" he demands as the critters were all sitting near the gazebo like they hadn't just been running around a few minutes ago. "What..?" Catnap asks "we weren't running around, we are waiting patiently for Dogday to get back" explains Bubba. "Impossible I saw you all running around on the cameras" said the CEO as he looks at the toys furiously. "Dude, seriously we've been here for at least an hour waiting for Dogday" Kickin said getting defensive. "No, no you weren't!" yells the CEO but the toys start to circle him. "We were here the whole time CEO, we didn't do anything else" Bobby said as she looked at the CEO confused and a bit irritated. "You all are liars!" yelled the CEO as he started to walk towards Catnap. He grabbed the cat by his moon necklace and started to shake him furiously, but a green paw grabbed his arm and twisted it around until an audible snap was heard. Catnap was dropped onto the ground as the CEO screamed and held his wrist while an angry looking Hoppy stood over him. "Don't touch my friends, consider that to be a warning, you've messed up SO much for Dogday CEO, you've taken SO much from him" she spoke quickly and angrily about how she felt about the CEO killing Jax, Sunshine, and even having to cut off Dogday's legs just for them to be able to walk. "You made him hurt so badly! You aren't even sorry! You just make new toys, and ruin these poor kid's lives for your own greedy needs of money!" they continue to yell at the CEO's face as he looked terrified of the rabbit in front of him. "You don't deserve to be CEO of this company! You deserve to d-" they was interrupted as a paw was placed on their shoulder. They looked back as Dogday stood there, a solemn look on their face. "Hoppy... it's okay, leave him alone" was all he said before he walked away and into his dog house while everyone just watched in silence. Hoppy turned back to the CEO and threw him to the ground. "Stay away from Dogday, stay away from all of us, and stay away from Playcare, we will let you know when we need you, but until then you are BANNED from here" they grabbed the CEO and threw him outside of the Playcare doors. He angrily looks towards the doors but doesn't dare to try and go back in. He rushes to his office and tries to calm his nerves. "Those fools will pay... they'll all pay one of these days" he slams his hand against the desk and screams into the air.

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