Chapter 212

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As Dogday woke up and headed to school with Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm, the two were wondering when a good time to ask him was. Bitty Kitty was determined so she asked the question "hey Dogday, I know that you're not really keen on us leaving the Playcare, but Sharp Charm and I were wondering if we can explore the factory a bit on our own, we will stay together, we promise" she said with a smile. The question however made Dogday stop in his tracks and relive Sunshine and Jax' deaths. "I... I'll think about it" he said as they continued to walk to the school. Dogday had a lot on his mind, so he was naturally a bit slow, and distracted that day. He would apologize to Miss Delight for it all, but she would forgive him and send him a look, the look that meant "after school come to Home Sweet Home, when the kids are asleep, we are having a talk" and he nodded towards her with a small smile. "Now class when we come back from recess, we will learn about how to write a letter" she said as the bell rang and the children all smiled as they ran to recess. "Dogday was slower walking out, but he met up with Catnap in their tree, and smiled towards the purple kitty who had been holding Moonlight and stroking the plushie's fur trying to get a purr out of the cat, but to no avail. "Oh, hey Dogday.." he said sounding a bit upset, Dogday noticed this and sat next to his kitty on the branch. "What's wrong?" he asks his voice full of concern as Catnap just sighed "Moonlight won't purr anymore... apparently only around Sunshine and Jax he purr" just as he said that though Dogday had started to pet Moonlight cashing the cat to purr. "Wait what?!" Catnap looked baffled, but quickly understood why. "Catnap misses the Dogdays..." he said in a sad tone. "They seem to like you more" he said looking directly at Dogday, making the canine mascot frown. "What's wrong Dogday, you don't look good with a frown" Catnap said as Moonlight jumped from his arms to Dogday's head. "It's Bitty Kitty, and Sharp Charm.. they want to explore the factory together, alone" as he said this Moonlight hissed and Catnap shook his head rapidly. "No way! This place is... safe... but even if it's not, it's worse out there, with the CEO having two more kids, soon to be toys, we don't know the threat levels, for all we could know is he's making new Killy Willy models" Catnap said with worry evident in his voice. "Look I know... trust me, I've known for a while, but Jax and Sunshine weren't on their own, they...." Dogday couldn't finish the sentence as he looked at "his" legs and closing his eyes. Catnap put a comforting paw on his friend's shoulder, and smiled towards the dog. "If we do let them go, we have to be there with them, we aren't allowing them to go alone through the factory" Catnap explains as Dogday nods his head in approval. "Then let's tell them the good news" he said as they both got up and walked back towards the school since the bell had rung.

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