Chapter 371

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"Okay, so Dogday can speak, but it ends up hurting his throat in the aftermath" Bubba explained to Dogday as the sunny puppy was getting checked for anything. "I might not be as experienced as you when it comes to check ups and such, but I do know you're able to talk, we've all heard you, and we all are very happy to be able to see you talk, even if it ends up hurting you in the end... which I'm sorry it does" as Bubba says this Dogday waves him off. "Try not to speak unless it's absolutely necessary" Bubba tells Dogday to which the pup gives a nod of acceptance of the new command. "That wasn't a command Dogday, you're free to choose what you do" Bubba said with his arms crossed and a raised brow towards the dog in front of him. Dogday smiled and nods in understanding. "Are you used to listening to directions from the staff, or the CEO?" questions Bubba as he suspiciously looks at Dogday, he notices that Dogday's whole demeanor was a bit different from what he was used to. His leader almost looked scared, but that wasn't possible, was it? "Dogday, are you afraid?" he asked cautiously as Dogday looked at him and gave a small nod in confirmation causing Bubba to look at him with a dropped jaw "well... that's okay, it's okay to be scared, like you always told us, it's okay to be scared and show emotions, they're... human" said Bubba as he rubbed his arm a bit, he had a small frown on him, and he looked away from Dogday. Dogday noticed this and immediately went into action he gently lifted Bubba's head up to make eye contact with him, and he used his paws to dab at the tears that made their way down his friend's face, when the tears wouldn't stop Dogday huffed and started to kiss the tears away. Bubba was taken aback by the gesture, but he welcomed it since he knew that Dogday was doing it as a friendly and caring gesture, he wouldn't get between him, Bobby, and Crafty, especially Crafty. He smiled towards Dogday who still had his tears coating his lips, Bubba laughs a bit and then gives his leader and friend a hug to say thank you. Dogday hugged Bubba back, he knew the gesture was a bit weird, but he didn't care, he's do anything for the others if it meant he could see them smile over and over again. 'worth it' he thought as he tightened the hug with Bubba and made sure that his friend was okay, and treated well, his mental health was lacking a bit, and he seemed to have lost confidence in their relationship, but unlike him and Catnap, Bubba was always the brains of the group, he would always remember and tell them all "an elephant always remembers" Dogday smiles at the memories now as he gets small tears in his eyes.

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