Chapter 262

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After the "meeting" was over and Jax waved bye to Killy Willy who disappeared into the shadows to who knows where, he came over to Catnap "you doing okay? I'm sorry that meeting was so long" as he apologized Catnap was astonished by what he saw and heard. "Don't be, I... I'm curious of who that was, and what his great plan is in the far away future" Catnap spoke to Jax, but noticed the frown deepen on Jax' face. "trust me Catnap, you don't want to be apart of this, it'll ruin what you have going with your friends and family" as Jax said this Catnap frowns, he doesn't understand what Jax was hiding. He shrugs as they go back up the shaft, and out of the vent to the CEO's office. The CEO was at his desk watching Cat Bee and Daisy arguing about something Catnap didn't find to be important, so he crawls out of the vent, Jax right behind him. As they make it out of the vent the CEO looks over at them and immediately his smile fades into a frown. He shakes his head towards Jax making the plushie shrug and return to the vent "good luck Catnap, I'm out" as Jax leaves Catnap with the CEO he can't help but feel a bit small in the large office with the CEO, Cat Bee, and Daisy all staring at him with either annoyed expressions or straight faces. "Umm... do you know where Dogday is?" as he asks this Daisy blurts out "he's where he belongs" she quickly covers her mouth but Cat Bee starts to laugh. "She is right, he's right where he belongs, somewhere nobody would ever see him again" Cat Bee said as she started to move closer to Catnap forcing the purple cat to back away a bit as Cat Bee got up close to his face and looking him in the eyes making Catnap extremely uncomfortable, but he pushed through the awkwardness of the situation. "He's right where he belongs" she spoke at his face with a smirk as she backed up. "Umm... okay, but that doesn't explain anything to me" he looked towards the annoying cat as she walked away from him nose sticking in the air in a snobby way. Daisy just watched her friend and smiled at her, but quickly glared at Catnap crossing her leaves she had as arms and huffed in annoyance towards him as Catnap rolled his eyes again. "Look I don't have all day, just tell me where Dogday is and I'll leave you all be, please" he spoke with a frown as he got on his knees and begged them to show him where his friend was at. All three looked at each other, the CEO shrugged as the two toys looked at him for guidance. "You want the truth Catnap?" he speaks as the purple feline looks towards him with a hopeful smile. The answer he received caused his heart to shatter "he's dead" was all the CEO had to say for Catnap to pounce on him and break his nose before Daisy and Cat Bee got him off and pushed him out of the office.

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