Chapter 270

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The Dogday plushie came over to them and immediately started to calm Bubba down. The Dogday plushie started to shake its long ears against Bubba's belly causing the elephant to laugh. The Dogday plushie was wagging its tail under Bubba's chin causing the elephant to giggle at the sensation since Catnap had remembered at that moment Bubba was the most ticklish of the Smiling Critters, he just tried to hide it from the others. Bubba was laughing up a storm as the Dogday plushie seemed to dance around on his belly, its tiny paws making little squeaks every time it stomped gently across Bubba's torso. Catnap smiled as he watched the interaction between the plushie version of his best friend, and his friend Bubba. Bubba finally seemed to wake up back to reality after a while of the Dogday plushie dancing and tickling him. "Good work" Catnap congratulates the plushie as it jumps up and down on Bubba's belly causing the elephant to grab the small dog and hold him gently in his arms as he looks towards Catnap, Small Frown, Shade, and Gloom. "What happened?" he asks as his eyes widen at the unconscious human in the corner of the room. "Don't worry they'll be fine, we just need to get rid of the poppy gas, Moonlight seems to have already left towards Bobby's house again" Catnap spoke to his friend as he helped Bubba get up. "Will you help us wake up the others, we will let you know when it's safe to come inside since there is poppy gas inside it every house and it seems that myself, the plushies, and Mommy are the only ones immune to it right now" as Catnap explains Bubba nods his head along in understanding. "I'll help as much as I can" he salutes Catnap who in turn smiles and salutes back before they both head downstairs with the plushies in tow, but the Dogday plushie is still curled up in Bubba's arms, he didn't want to be let down right now so Bubba was happy to carry him around.

Moonlight saw that they could handle Bubba, so he rushed off to Bobby's house again. This time he sort of was prepared on what to do to get Bobby under control after they got the guards away, and the poppy gas out of the house. With a new found determination he made his way over to Bobby's house and looked around for the right vent up to Bobby's room. As he made his way inside the left vent he located Bobby's bedroom, she only had one guard looking after her as she slept, but this guard seemed distracted as they looked out the window at all the chaos. Moonlight opened the vent slowly, and climbed down to the floor, he silently crept towards Bobby's bed, and just as he was about to make it over there were two pairs of arms that grabbed him before he had a chance. "Nice try cat, but that won't be happening this time" Moonlight was shocked as the CEO himself stepped into view.

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