Chapter 338

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The CEO sat on his office chair and sighed as he heard many screams outside his door. "I'm surprised Killy Willy is still going strong" he spoke out loud as he looks over to the left to see the prototype experiment 1006 tapping its long claws against the desk. "I know we can't really communicate, but it's good that you're able to communicate with those who you deem worthy of following your orders, and helping you become your own bigger body experiment" he spoke to the claw as if it could understand what he was saying. He was a bit caught off guard by the child-like voice that came from the claw though "it's almost time" it spoke. The CEO rose a brow at the claw "time.. for what?" he questioned as the claw simply jumped off the table and into the vent leaving the CEO alone. "Strange.." he mumbles. A loud thud at the door made him jump "what is going on out there?"  he questioned as he heart Huggy Wuggy and Killy Willy's screeching. "Doesn't sound pleasant, but eh" he shrugs and sits at his desk calmly again.

In the lab the scientists were experiencing a lot. The Dogday prototype seemed to be controlled by mini critters, and had slowly been used to monitor them all, and make sure that they didn't do anything wrong. The Dogday prototype would also let out a horrifying growl from time to time. The scientists were scared because they now knew their biggest threat were a bunch of plushies able to tear through human flesh, and eat organs. "This is... bad" said one of the scientists as they looked over at the Dogday prototype, he hadn't moved from his spot in the corner of the room, but he did scare the humans at least a few times considering he sounded like he had hundreds of plushies inside of him, they all seemed to speak at one being. "Keep working" they would scream, but the scientists tried their best to ignore them all. "This is terrifying" one of the scientists whispered as they all agreed, none of them have been this pressured before. "Why are we doing this?" asked the other but they all heard laughter from the corner of the room. The Dogday prototype was laughing, hundreds of little voices spoke at once "they're failing" "they're scared" "they don't know what their doing" "he's going to die in their hands" and more were heard, the scientists tried to remain calm even as some of the plushies were leaving the suit and walking over to them. "H-How can you guys speak?" asked one of the scientists. The plushie of Hoppy, Bubba, and Dogday all looked at them "the prototype" they each spoke. The scientists were confused and scared but they went back to work no questions asked as the plushies monitored their work. The Dogday prototype was still in the corner with all the voices still whispering "they'll fail" "the blood is on their hands" "obey the prototype" the scientists all felt anxiety as they worked.

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