Chapter 337

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As the battle raged out outside the CEO's office, he was in his lab with Rich, and the Dogday prototype. "Alright, I got it" he came up from the hatch and he was carrying another Dogday suit, this one was empty though. "I also got my most trusted scientists here" he said as four scientists came into the lab. "Hello, and welcome you four have done this procedure before on all the other Smiling Critters, so I'm going to need it done again" he said as the scientists all nod in understanding yet when they see Rich on the table they suddenly realize that he's the one they were putting in the suit. "Did.. he deserve this?" asked one of the scientists. "In my eyes, yes, he was trying to run our business through the dirt, and spread rumors to the cops about how we run this organization" the CEO had always been a pretty good liar, especially to staff. "He didn't understand that we were only trying to help, but he kept thinking that we were trying to make ourselves look good by having more success then any other toy company in this country" as the CEO said this a few of the scientists were agreeing with him. "True, and if he really lies to the cops, then I guess he's a threat to us, but if we turn him into one of the mascots and force him into a new role, we could have complete control over him" said one of the scientists who got a thumbs up from the CEO. "Exactly, any staff who thinks they can come in here, and try to ruin our business will be fired permanently" as the CEO said this the scientists all understood their assignments and where they stood in the company. The CEO chuckled under his breath as he walks out. "If you guys need me, just radio, also the Dogday prototype suit will monitor your work, so make sure not to mess up... or else" he said as he walks out and locks the scientists in the lab with Rich and the Dogday prototype staring at them. "So... who exactly is in that Dogday suit.?" one of the scientists ask as the Dogday prototype suit watches them with his white pupils glowing beneath his dark eyes, and large smile, the scientists do occasionally hear little squeaks and see parts of the Dogday suit seemly having something move around inside him. It made them all feel uncomfortable and on edge as they began to work. They would constantly check over at the Dogday prototype, but they seen nothing changing about him, they seem to just be on edge for no- they looked at the prototype Dogday suit as it began to seemly choke. They were a bit confused until the Dogday suit leans over and... a Bobby Bearhug mini critter came out. To say the scientists were shocked would be an understatement, they were flabbergasted, and a bit appalled by the site. "Oh... fu-" said one of the scientists.

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