Chapter 316

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Frowny Fox doesn't seem to like the idea of just letting the CEO go, but he respect's Catnap's wishes and drops the CEO who in turn grabs the Dogday suit again, and leaves the lab with a huff. "You toys aren't even worth the trouble anymore.." he mumbles on his way out. Mommy and the others look towards Catnap, but he's refusing to look at any of them. "Catnap is everything alright?" Mommy asks in a caring tone, but Catnap just remains silent. "The poppy gas should be cleared up by tomorrow, then we can all return to normal life..." he said as he faced the ground. "Uh, yeah.. except we're worried for you" Frowny Fox points out. Catnap looked up at Frowny and smiles. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine" anyone couldn't seen the pain behind Catnap's smile and the sadness in his eyes as he tried to desperately hide the fact that Dogday's death took a huge toll on him, and that he was shattering because of it. He was desperately hanging on but he noticed the CEO had forgotten to take the jars containing Dogday's brain, bones, and oragans, he frowns knowing that those had to be vital parts to make sure Dogday survived, maybe the CEO would be back for them later... or tomorrow. Catnap sighed in defeat and led everyone back to the hallway where Miss Delight's sisters were still blocking the way. "We're back, let us through" Miss Delight told them as they all listened and everyone got in their own places. "Catnap.. if you wanted to talk you could, there's no shame" said Miss Delight, no she wasn't prying, she was just worried for Catnap's well being. Catnap appreciated her for it, but he couldn't bring himself to speak about any of what he and the other Smiling Critters witnessed in that lab. "Thanks, but I'll be fine... I promise" and with that he closed his eyes and fell into a restless sleep.

The CEO brought the Dogday suit back to his office, and immediately took it down to the hatch again. He wasn't allowing Catnap or any of the Smiling Critters to ever get their paws on it again. He looks at the shelf, and immediately starts to look for the jars, when he notices they aren't there he slightly panics, but then realizes he forgot them back in the lab when we left the crazy toys when they tried to threaten him. He must've been so angry at the toys that he felt he had to just leave as quickly as possible. He sighs and rubs his temple after putting the Dogday suit up, and climbing back out of the hatch. He closes the hatch and just sits in the lab for a while pondering what he would do now that he knew the critters all knew of their own existences weren't even real mascot suits, but human skin suits, vital for keeping them alive as they did have human parts inside of them.

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