Chapter 359

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As the critters started to form a circle around the two they all got into fighting stances awaiting for Killy to make the first move. "I must admit you critters are a very caring and very protective group, I must admire that" Killy said as he looked around at each of them. "You just want to get a voice box from the CEO?" he asks looking back at Catnap "yes, that's all" said Catnap with a straight face. Killy nods "fine, I'll talk to the him about getting a voice box, but.. you guys will have to put it in yourselves, the CEO is a busy man and he doesn't have the time for you critters" Killy said crossing his arms and glaring at each critter. "Are those Dogday's legs?" he asks taking notice of Hoppy's torso but Kickin get in front of his friend "woah woah, don't look at that, that's disrespectful" he said as he shields Hoppy. "I meant nothing bad by it, I was simply curious, as you critters all say we should be nice and whatever" Killy tried to reason, but he saw Kickin glare at him and then turn to Hoppy whispering in their ear. Killy rolled his eyes, and started to walk out of the Playcare "I'll be back" he said before closing the door.

The CEO was busy trying to revive the Dogday plushie in front of him. "I can revive mascots pretty well.. but plushies are a different story" he mumbles as the claw across from him tapped impatiently on the metal stool it was balancing on. "I know I'm trying, but for some reason thi-" a knock interrupted his talking as he rolled his eyes "I'll be back" he walked over to the door and opened it, he was a bit surprised to see Killy back so soon. "What are you doing back here?" he glared at the monster in front of him "I apologize about this but Catnap wanted to know if you could give... uhh Dogday his voice box" as Killy said this the CEO rolled his eyes. "I don't have time for this" he said as the monster backed away a bit "tell Catnap that Dogday will get his voice back in time, the voice box is in already, he just needs to speak like the dog he is" the CEO slams the door on Killy Willy causing the monster to sigh and turn around, but as he does he accidentally kicks a Dogday plushie. "Wait what..?" he asks as the plushies on the far side of the hall, opposite side of the CEO's door he notices the Dogday plushies we're still alive?! He backed away as the Dogday plushie looked up at him it was weak, but still alive, they seemed to be crawling away slowly in their weakened positions as the carpet shown a bit of a line. The line was a bit bloody but he could clearly see that the Dogday plushies were still alive, it just took some time for them to come back up. "Oh no..." Killy spoke in a low tone as he picked up the plushies and ran back to the Playcare.

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