Chapter 351

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Dogday was happy to be home with his family, he's always felt more comfortable, and loved by the critters more then anyone else, and his adopted kids Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm he was so happy to see them still alive, and doing well even when he had died. He was so happy that Catnap kept going even if he knew it was a hard thing to do, he was proud of everyone for continuing to move on together with their lives, and live out every day normally even if it meant without him. 'They would be fine if I had left again' he thought with a smile as he watched everyone around him at the sleepover talking and having a good time at his house. "This brings back memories" Kickin said making everyone look at him. "We barely had sleepovers when Dogday was gone.." he continued to speak and everyone looked at him nodding quietly. Dogday was a bit confused by this though why would his friends not have sleepovers while he was gone? His friends all had permission to use his dog house whenever they needed, whether he was alive or not. He opened his mouth but nothing came out again, so he rolled his eyes, got up and grabbed a paper and pen again. He came back to the living room, and sat back down before writing down 'you guys are always allowed in here whether I'm dead or alive, awake or asleep, I trust you guys when it comes to my house' Catnap read the paper out loud to the others and they all smiled. "We know, but we all missed too much.. some of us would look at your house and cry because we missed you so much" Hoppy explained as they sighed causing Dogday to frown. He pat the couch near him to get Hoppy to come over and as they sat down Dogday brought them into a hug. Hoppy had tears in their eyes as they cling to Dogday silently sobbing over the fact their leader actually came back to them. "We all missed you so much.." they felt tears spring to their eyes and they tried to wipe them away to no avail, they just kept coming, and Dogday just smiled and tightened his hug around his friend in a reassuring way to make them believe they really were there, and that they had no intent on leaving again. "Please don't leave us again Dogday.. we survived thanks to Catnap taking charge" Hoppy spoke in a low voice as they calmed down stilling holding Dogday tight in their grip. Dogday was a bit surprised that Catnap took charge so quickly but he wasn't surprised for long quickly remembering that Catnap did take charge, and told the critters to use the buddy system when Killy Willy's around the Playcare. As he wiggled out of Hoppy's vice grip and made his way to Catnap he smiled and brought the feline into his arms holding him close.

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