Chapter 283

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Jax led the way through the vent with the molotov dragging a bit behind him. "Umm... Jax, how and when did you learn to make.. that?" Poppy asks gesturing towards the molotov, Jax placed it down and looked back at her before replying "this isn't my first time doing this" was all he said as he continued on his way. Poppy follows behind in silence as she drags the crowbar, but her mind wasn't silent as she was thinking about what Jax meant. "Umm... Jax, have you.. ever killed before?" Poppy asks with a hint of fear in her voice, she waits for Jax to answer but he continues forward in silence, and that silence was the only answer Poppy needed. She gulps and silently hopes that Jax isn't as dangerous as he appears, but she'll soon find out. Jax and Poppy made their way back towards the cells holding Kissy and Huggy. Jax put down the molotov and looked at Poppy "who do you wish to save first?" he asks surprising Poppy. "What do you mean?" she asks with a frown already guessing what Jax meant as his paw tightened around the molotov a bit more. "Only one will be saved for now, we will have to do part two for the other, that we do not save the first time" Jax spoke never taking his eyes off Huggy Wuggy. "We... we should go after Kissy first" said Poppy as much as Jax disagreed he listened to Poppy and they clawed back over to her cell. Jax located each of the hidden cameras, and then without warning started to crawling down to the ground. Poppy watched him as he made his way to the cell door, and immediately put his plan into action. He jumps up and grabs the cell door's handle to help him get to the window to look in and see Kissy. He looked towards the vent to see Poppy give him a thumbs up and a nod his way, he nods back and using his sharp teeth he uses them to get Kissy's attention by biting at the glass and making a 'clink clink' sound that Kissy heard in her cell, she looked up and saw Jax who pointed towards the vent, she was excited to see Poppy there, but Poppy quickly made a shushing motion by putting her finger to her lips, Kissy understood and remained silent as Poppy explained Jax' plan to her, she nods in understanding and turns to the door where Jax is hanging from the window bars. He waved at her and she waved back but then looked determined as her mouth opened to reveal a set of deadly looking teeth, she roars loudly and charges at the cell door. Jax jumps down and out of the way before a sizable dent was put into the metal door. "Again" urges Poppy as Kissy slams into the door again, they see the hinges are slightly loose now, but the two urge her to keep going, even as guards are called. "I got them" said Jax as he ran forward.

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