Chapter 381

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As the Dogday's gurgles got louder though the CEO was a bit skeptical. "What's gotten into you?" he asked as he grabbed the back of the chair. The gurgling got worse, but as he put his ear up to the Dogday's head he heard a bunch of squeaks 'uh oh' he thought as he shook the chair hard desperately trying to get whatever was inside the suit out of Dogday. It took a while and a few tries but finally after waiting a good twenty five minutes the face of a little rat came out, the rat's head was a bit red and moist with fresh blood. This caught the CEO off guard, but what came out was far from what he thought. A rat king... of nine rats came out from Dogday's mouth. "What the-?!" he was flabbergasted as the rats all crawled their way out of Dogday's mouth, they were all supposed to be white but their fur was red and brown... "oh god.." he said as he looked over at the rat cage, it was shattered on the ground. "Who did this?" he asks but the Dogday couldn't answer him. The rat king tried to crawl onto the floor, but the CEO ran over to the one experiment room that housed the newest hands for the grab packs, there were flare gun hands, jumping hands, even some hands that could break bone, but he just grabbed the flare gun and went back to Dogday, the rat king had made it to the floor and each rat was trying to run in different directions, besides two who seemed to have died and their corpses been dragged around by the others."gross.." the CEO mumbled as he fired the flare at the rat king, the poor thing going up in a ball of fire squeaking and screaming as their little bodies burned into a cremated little ball of ashy corpses stuck together by their tails. "Are they all gone?" he asked the Dogday suit but the Dogday's head lulled to the left again. The CEO rolled his eyes "don't worry, you're going to be fine, I mean unless they started to eat you alive, I guess that would be painful" he laughed but the Dogday suit remained silent except the small gurgles coming from within. "What, cat got your tongue?" as the CEO said this Rich started to think about Catnap, the poor tiny kitten was probably going to have a better time then he was, he didn't even get to help them with the door. "Yeah, I know about your friendship with the Smiling Critters, and that you went into the Playcare... and brought a door here to help them" the CEO said all this while looking directly at Dogday, and somehow he seen Rich's face inside. The left eye was missing, he was pale, and slowly losing his health as it rapidly became clear he wasn't surviving the ordeal. "You'll survive, but it will be very painful for you" the CEO said with a calm smile.

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