Chapter 225

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Dogday laid in his dog bed and curled up. He stayed like that for a while. He thought back to his message from Jax earlier.


Dogday was in the pool area as he told his friends he would be, he needed some time to himself for a little bit, they understood and let him go. As he walked inside the Playground area he passed a few Dogday mini critters who reminded him so much of Sunshine. He frowns but continues towards the pool, and sat down on the edge of the pool looking at the water still left in the pool. "I hope you're doing well Sunshine... I really miss you, you've been an amazing friend to me, and I truly wish you didn't meet that end from the CEO... the CEO will be forgiven, although I won't see him the same guy as I once did. He's lost my trust completely, and my heart's shattered without you or Jax here... I love you both" as Dogday finished, he was met with silence for a while until he heard someone behind him speak "I love you too" Dogday turns around to face a vent. "Jax..?!" Dogday says a bit shocked that Jax is alive, yet very VERY relieved. "Yes... it's me" Jax spoke in a low tone, but Dogday could see he was smiling even as the vent was blocking their views. As if reading his mind Jax spoke up again "Don't blame yourself for all this... Sunshine is in a better place now, they can't be hurt by anyone. I on the other hand... there's no saving me now..." Jax sounded so broken, and tired that it broke Dogday's heart. "What happened?" was all that was spoken before Jax ran off leaving Dogday alone once again.

End of Flashback

"I hope you're okay Jax..." Dogday whispers as he closes his eyes and falls asleep. Catnap was at the door with Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm, they had heard what Dogday said, and their own hearts broke. "Jax is still alive..?" whispers Catnap under his breath, but Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm heard, and looked at Catnap with worried eyes. "He won't be the same Jax we knew..." Catnap explains as he closes Dogday's bedroom door and makes his way downstairs with Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm. "I feel like Jax will be different... more hostile, you don't just get kidnapped like he did, and come back the same" Catnap speaks, but the young mascots start to believe he speaks from experience. "I wonder what's going to happen to us all..?" said Sharp Charm frowning as Moonlight meows to grab their attention. Catnap looks into the trash can that Moonlight was pointing to, and gasps. "It's empty..." he said as he looks around noticing the vent was open, and nobody was there anymore. Catnap started to get a bit worried "did you see anything Moonlight?" he asks and the plushie looks as if its thinking before it shakes his head no. Something wasn't right, and it made Catnap feel a bit uncomfortable.

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