Chapter 207

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"Apparently what happened when he was waterlogged he became very hostile, every time he would see a hand in the filter he fought urge after urge to not attack it, he successfully avoiding attacking, but by not attacking he would just end up purposefully drowning himself in the water" Dogday said as Miss Delight put a hand to her mouth in shock. "He would hold himself under the water and sometimes he'd accidentally breathe in a sigh of relief when he saw the hand retreat, but he would still end up taking in water, and as long as he did that he wouldn't attack anyone, until a few days ago... he recently killed a few people on his own" Dogday said as his voice was pitched in a higher tone, but he quickly dropped it back down to his normal tone as to try not freak Miss Delight out. "He would swim out of the pool a few times when it was dark, and the lights were completely off, and it was too dark for the cameras to see, he'd sneak around the factory and steal metal scrapes... he would shape the metal into triangles, but he would leave at least one end jagged, then he would... he..." Dogday hesitated as Miss Delight stroked his head again. "You okay?" she asks and brings Dogday back to reality "huh? Oh yeah, sorry!" he said as he continues "he then um.. tore up his own plush mouth with the scrapes and jam them up bending them so they'd stay and he made himself metal teeth.." Dogday said with a shiver as Miss Delight had her jaw dropped. "He jammed the metal into his mouth to create teeth.. I can't imagine what pain that must've caused him" Miss Delight said frowning. "It was excruciating pain he had told us" Dogday frowns "after he talked to us about that though, he then brought up Sunshine..." Dogday leaned into Miss Delight's touch as she rubbed his ears gently massaging them. "He told us he could smell his brother around, and he was right, apparently someone had brought me Sunshine's corpse, and Jax was able to smell it" Miss Delight frowned at Dogday as he continued "he found the corpse, and had sworn revenge on the CEO, he had a plan, but it didn't go well... he told us that the CEO created two new toys, one being Killy Willy and the other Frowny Fox, they were cool at first, well Frowny was, but we never really got to meet Killy until recently, but apparently the CEO had manipulated them to think Jax was a threat to the company, and we had a whole battle... Killy flung my legs across a lab and left me for dead, but Frowny had saved me, I'm not sure what happened to Jax, but Poppy told me he was taken by something, and probably killed off..." Dogday whimpered at that moment and Miss Delight kissed his forehead making his ears perk up. "Dogday it wasn't your fault, you did your best for them both, yeah, just because they are gone doesn't mean they truly are gone, they will always be in your heart" Miss Delight said smiling at Dogday who smiled back. "But there's another thing.. last night, a figure was apparently above me and I saw a silhouette of what looked like Jax..." at that moment Miss Delight was in deep thought and Dogday continued to stay on her lap until the kids needed to get up after their bedtime.

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