Chapter 303

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As Jax led Catnap and Candy Cat back to the CEO's office, he was well aware that the two cats were confused what he meant by "Smiling Critters lab" but he was going to show them what he discovered years ago. "There is a a portrait in his office that will get us access to the lab" he said as Candy Cat nodded in agreement already knowing about this. "Yeah, and we don't know which one, so we got to keep-" Candy Cat tried to explain but Jax stopped her "hold on, you may not know, but I know which one it is" he said as he turned toward the two cats and barked. Both cats were confused, until they realized he was looking at something behind them, they followed his eyes and a few of the Dogday plushies came running up to them. "Alright, you two stay come with me, they will stay out here and keep watch for the CEO, he should be coming back pretty soon" Jax warned as he walked inside the office with Catnap and Candy Cat following and closing the door. "Those guys will bark when the CEO's on his way down" Jax explains as he started to walk further into the room and stopping at the far end of the room where a portrait of the CEO and his wife was. "This is the one, you think you could knock it down?" he said looking towards Catnap who in turn nods his head and climbs up to the portrait and knocks it down, the frame shatters but Jax just chuckles. He then looks up at Catnap and explains "alright, so that control panel is pretty easy to get by, all you got to do is flip the first two switches, and hold down the red button until the three lights all go on, red, yellow, and green" as Jax explains this, he is watching Catnap follow the instructions. Catnap opens to breaker looking box, and flips the first two switches before the red button lights up, and he holds it down as he watches the three lights start to turn on red, yellow, and green, he releases the button as the left bookcase starts to move. The bookcase starts to slide forward a bit but then started to move to the left overlapping the other bookcase, and opening a secret lab. Everyone stood at the entrance in shock, except for Jax who rolled his eyes, and clapped his paws. "Focus, this is where you will find Dogday's organs and everything you need, but be quick, the CEO will be back at any minute" Jax explained as Catnap nods and slowly enters the lab, he looks above and in neon lights it shown 'Smiling Critters Lab' all colorful and shining bright. That was a clear sign to Catnap that this lab held a dark secret he was about to discover, he gulps, and takes a deep breath before he steels his nerves as he walks inside the lab.

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