Chapter 206

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Miss Delight, sensing this was going to be a serious and sensitive conversation for Dogday, scooted all the way back to the wall so her only her feet dangled off the bed. She then pat her lap signaling for Dogday to come. He got the idea and curled up in her lap like a puppy would, he knew he wasn't a lap dog, but he always appreciated Miss Delight allowing him to be a lap puppy for times like these. Miss Delight didn't mind since her legs had plastic casing on them, and she'd rather see her friend happy and comfortable than upset and uncomfortable. She gently pet his head and stroked his ears as they twitched a bit, she gently pet his neck, and back and even his belly as he turned over to look up at her. "Thank you for this Miss Delight, I really appreciate it" he thanked her as she smiled down at him and continued to gently rub his belly. "So, whenever you're ready you tell me what's going on, alright?" she said softly fully prepared to wait an hour or two, but Dogday began talking after a few minutes.

"You seen and met Sunshine, correct?" he asks in a small voice as Miss Delight's smile drops a bit "yes, I remember Sunshine, you and him were inseparable, why?" she was curious but she highly doubted she like the answer. "Sunshine is.. is dead, that's why Catnap's only been bringing Moonlight to the school.." as Dogday spoke his voice cracked a few times. Miss Delight continued to rub his head in a comforting way as he continued with his story "you haven't met him, because he was with us for only two days, but there was another Dogday plush that came to us" Miss Delight was curious but remained quiet giving Dogday all the time he needed to speak with her. "His name was Jax, he was... he was a plushie who was forgotten, and unloved by the kids here, and he had talked to us about how he became who he was" Dogday curled up even more on Miss Delight's lap and slightly whimpered, but Miss Delight soothed him by petting behind his ears and shushing him and by telling him it was okay to cry, she would be there for him if he ever needed her. He calms down a bit and smiles up at her "thank you" as he said that Miss Delight smiles and continues to pet him. He continues on "Jax was torn from his torso when he was at the pool saving Sunshine from human bullies, and they grabbed him instead and after tearing him in half they threw his top half in the water and took his bottom half to set on fire" as Dogday said that Miss Delight was shocked. 'Who would ever want to hurt the Smiling Critters?' she thought but Dogday interrupted her thought as she continued to pet his belly. "So after he was left in the water filter, he was in there for so long he couldn't speak very well being waterlogged, and he ended up gaining a hatred towards the CEO for letting it happen, he had said the CEO was watching the cameras that day and didn't report the situation to anyone letting Jax drown alone in the water filter" Dogday said in a sad low voice as Miss Delight herself had small tears in her eyes. "Then what happened after he got waterlogged was crazy to hear about..."

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