Chapter 331

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The day cycle finally came, and Catnap hadn't slept at all. The pillow beneath him was still soaked by his tears as he cried for hours, but he stayed silent as to not wake anyone else up, little did he know that nobody in the whole house had truly slept that night. "I hope they won't notice" he says as he gets up and goes to the bathroom. Just as he suspected there were noticeable tear streaks going down his cheeks. He sniffles but taking a deep breath he rinses his face and dries it on a nearby towel. He looked a bit strange, but it was better than having noticeable tear streaks down his face. He stretched and went downstairs, he was surprised when he noticed Frowny Fox in the kitchen cooking. "Wait.. you can cook?" He asked in disbelief to which Frowny Fox responded with a smile and a nod. "It comes naturally from Picky Piggy's cooking classes" he says making Catnap smile and lean against the doorframe as he watches Frowny Fox cook up a delicious breakfast sandwich. "Woah.. you learned that from Picky?!" Catnap asked astonished, and Frowny chuckles "yeah, she's very talented when it comes to cooking" Frowny said as he set the breakfast sandwiches on the table right on time for Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm to come downstairs. There was some awkward silence as the two came down, but it was interrupted when all four residents asked at the same time "how did you sleep?" to which they all froze in place, and laughed. Now more awake they all say the table and ate their breakfast sandwiches "thank you Frowny" Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm thanked the fox who had prepared their meals "of course" Frowny Fox smiled as he dug into his own.

The CEO watched outside his window as he saw Rich's car pulling into the lot. He glares as he had two large boxes with him 'must be the doors' he thought as Rich brought the doors over to the entrance and disappeared from the CEO's line of sight. Behind the CEO was a Dogday skin suit leaning in his chair. He smirks as he requests to see Rich at once in his office. He turns on a recording device so if he has to he can expose Rich. He waits patiently for Rich to come up.

Rich came into the factory and handed the doors off to Mommy as she crawled on the ceiling keeping the box close to her so it wouldn't fall or slip. She did freeze when an announcement came on the speakers or what she thought was an announcement "would Richard please come to my office immediately" the CEO's voice was heard loud and clear, making Mommy look at Rich with worry, but he waved her off saying it was okay and that he would be fine, Mommy wasn't so sure but she kept walking away with the doors as she made her way to the Playcare hoping whatever the CEO had planned wasn't going to get Rich fired.

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