Chapter 296

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Catnap finally finished all the questions, but he looked over at Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm knowing the two just found out they had lost the only father figure in their life. Catnap was angry.. he was pissed at the CEO. 'How can the CEO do this... and be okay with it?!' Catnap thought as he missed his best friend. 'I'll get you back one day Dogday... you're coming back' Catnap vowed as he walked towards Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm, the two looked at him with tear tracks down their faces and a sad looking Jax in their laps. "Hey.. I know that you two really looked up to Dogday, and miss him a lot, but I promise we will find a way to get him back" as Catnap said this Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm looked up at him in a bit of surprise. "Is there even a way to get him back... I think replacing him wouldn't be good because he would have someone else's memories and he wouldn't be the same anyways.." Sharp Charm said with a frown, but Catnap looked towards Jax. The Dogday plushie looked up at Catnap expecting him to say something, but all he did was look at Jax and think. Jax was confused what Catnap was thinking, but Catnap finally gasps in realization. "Jax, do you know if all of Dogday's organs, brain, and bones were saved?" he asked the plushie who nodded his head. "The CEO also has those other Dogday suits, doesn't he?" Catnap asks with hope in his voice. Jax nods again, but is still not understanding. "What do you plan on doing Catnap?" he asks as Catnap just smiles at him. "Jax I'll need your help, but I have a plan to get Dogday back, but it is a bit risky" Catnap said this, and Jax was completely on board with whatever plan he had because he too wanted the big body version of himself back, the Playcare wasn't the same without Dogday.

Catnap was determined, and asked everyone about any details about the factory that may help get Dogday back. Sadly nobody knew how the CEO made the toys since nobody understood the process he took for making them, nobody paid attention to it since it caused them all pain, Catnap didn't blame them, so he just set out on his own. "First things first, find the CEO" he said as he ran down the hallway towards the CEO's office.

As Rich made his way home to his wife he noticed that his knuckles were white gripping the steering wheel, he let out a sigh and continued to drive through the night until he calmed down enough that he was sure he would not be angry while he was home with her. "Getting angry anymore, the CEO is the reason you got these anger issues in the first place, you can't have him affect you, especially when it's for your wife" he spoke to himself as he continued to drive to clear his head.

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