Chapter 292

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Catnap felt tears running down his face. He knew exactly what these kids were seeing, and how badly they were affected. "Guys... this won't work, these kids are hallucinating us as monsters.. we have to let them run out of here and into the hallways where everyone else would be there to comfort them. It may scare them, but it would get them out of the smoke faster" Catnap said as Mommy and Jax both agreed and nod their heads. They open the Playcare exit doors and the stray kids run down the hallways, there is silence before a rush of screams come, but Catnap just frowns and holds back his tears. He goes over to Home Sweet Home and opens the doors to let all the kids out, they all run out of the room and into the hallways, where they're greeted by Miss Delight and her sisters holding them, and letting them know it's okay. Catnap sighs as he finally sees all the kids are okay. "Good thinking Catnap, now we just need to clear the poppy gas and we will be back in business" Mommy said as she stood next to Catnap and Jax. "Yeah.. but it will be a while" Catnap reminds her, making Mommy frown but nod in understanding. "Let it take as long as possible" she said because no matter what happened in the Playcare she would always help their friends. "Umm.. Catnap, you do have some explaining to do to everyone though, they don't understand why they woke up where they did, or why the Playcare was filling with Poppy gas" Mommy said as Catnap's eyes widen. "Oh.. nobody told them?" he asks concerned. "No they've been waiting for you" Mommy said as they looks at the exit. Catnap nods and walks out of the Playcare to where all his friends were. "Catnap, what happened?" Bubba said as he looked towards his friend confused. "Where is Dogday?" asked Bitty Kitty. Catnap froze at that question. "He's... he's dead" said Catnap as everyone was silent. "I'll explain everything, don't worry" he said as he had to first think about where he would start. "Okay, who has questions firstly, I'll answer any of them" Catnap said as a few of his critter friends raised their wings, and paws. "Okayyyy, let's start off with Kickin" as Catnap points to Kickin his friend asked about what happened with the gas outbreak. "The gas outbreak.. that wasn't intentional to be honest, we had to get you guys up out of your houses, because someone, most likely the CEO, was pumping poppy gas and causing you all to sleep, we opened your windows up to let the gas out, but a lot happened.. " Catnap sighed as he rubbed his temple. "Long story short the CEO was the one who killed off Dogday, and did something to make us all sleep" Catnap said "but the plushies, Mommy Longlegs and myself are immune to the gas, so we had to save you guys" as Catnap said this everyone was even more confused.

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