Chapter 300

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"The CEO speaks a lot about killing the children here, when he was trying to hide the Dogday suits I heard him mumbling about something behind a picture" Candy Cat explains. "I'm not really sure which picture, but one of them has a switch to something, and it is a bit of a mystery to me, but he was mumbling about you, saying that you wanted Dogday back, and I kept hearing you needed his organs, brain, and bones, he might have hidden them somewhere in here, or in one of his labs" as she spoke she was being pretty quiet. "Can I come with you to check the labs maybe? This place doesn't make me feel safe.." she said as Catnap nods, and picks her up in his arms. "Okay, do you know which lab though?" he asks, but Candy Cat frowns and shakes her head "I'm sorry, but I'm not sure, I've barely gotten to ever see this place because as soon as I was made into a toy he put me in a cell, and then that box, and sealed me away" as Candy Cat spoke Catnap's heart broke for her. "That's awful.. I'm so sorry" he spoke low frowning down at her, but she just smiled at him and said "it's okay, you freed me I don't have to worry now" she smiled up at him making him give her a gentle smile in return. "Alright, let's try to find the lab" he said with determination as he ran out of the CEO's room. "Okay, so I remember that the CEO has a few hidden labs, and there seems to be a lab under his office, I've heard that from Jax, I've also seen other labs that they kept Huggy, and Kissy when they were first introduced to the public" Catnap spoke as he quickly made his way towards the first lab. He put Candy Cat down and together they both searched the lab for anything. "I don't think these brains are Dogday's... they're kind of..." Catnap goes pale "baby brains..." he shutters as Candy Cat comes over frowning. "The CEO is a sick man... he doesn't apologize for hurting anyone either, he seems to find joy in it" Candy Cat said as she walks around the lab, and tries to search the other jars for Dogday's organs, and brain, but nothing was coming up, some names stood out to her though 'Cayden' 'Tom' 'Julie' and 'Caleb' she gasps as she sees all four names in front of her. Catnap comes over to check on her, but he doesn't understand. "Who are they..?" he asks with caution, but Candy Cat whispers in a broken voice "my siblings..." with those words spoken Catnap's jaw drops. "That monster..!" he hisses as he tries to calm down. Candy Cat isn't showing any emotion as she gets down into the floor again. "We got to find Dogday's organs, and brain, and all that quickly" she said in a serious voice as Catnap nods and they run to the next lab.

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