Chapter 322

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With Catnap's new voice box, and a human he could call a friend Catnap was feeling pretty good about the future. He walked back to the others to notice they weren't in the hallway anymore. "Strange?" he said to himself, but his ear perked up to the sound of laughter coming from inside the Playcare. He walked into the Playcare to see everyone awake, Mommy was inspecting each place for signs of the poppy gas, but it seemed that redirecting it worked as Mommy gave everyone an all clear. The Smiling Critters all ran into their homes excitedly, and the orphans all ran to Home Sweet Home cheering. Miss Delight and Mommy were seen talking about how excited everyone was that the poppy gas finally left allowing them to all come back, and enjoy their once happy Playcare again. Catnap was a bit shocked by all this, but he was relieved to see everything going back to normal. "Hey Catnap, Kissy, Huggy, and I are going back to our usual routines again, you going to be okay?" Poppy asks as she's gently on Kissy Missy's shoulder. Catnap smiled before replying "yeah, I'll be fine, if any problems arise, I'll let you know" Poppy smiles as Catnap gives her a thumbs up. Kissy, Poppy, and Huggy make their way out of the Playcare while all the mini critters run to the Playhouse. Miss Delight's sisters all head to the school while she heads to Home Sweet Home with all the orphans, because heaven forbid you let kids go unattended in a daycare. Mommy and Catnap were the only ones still out. "Hey.. where's Frowny?" Catnap asks as he looked at the school but there was no sign of Frowny or any of his plushies. "Oh, yes he said he will be back, Shade, Gloom, and Small Frown had to show him something important" Mommy said as Catnap looked at her, and shrugged "okay" was all he said as he looked around. "We need to fix the door on the Playhouse" he mumbled as Mommy looked over and saw the doors were still thrown off their hinges. "Ah.. right, we should probably find some people to help with that, correct?" she asks as Catnap chuckles "yeah we should" he said as he and Mommy make their way out of the Playcare in search of some maintenance workers. "I'm glad things are looking better for everyone in the Playcare, it's a good sign" Mommy comments as Catnap smiles and nods his head. "I think I'm going to be put in charge now since Dogday is gone, the others already look up to me somewhat, and I feel like I have to help them all out in some way" Catnap said as he and Mommy walked through the halls. "Yes, but it is important to work on yourself as well, you are just as important to your friends as they are to you, they've become your family Catnap, and as much as you want them to be happy, healthy, and safe they want the same for you" Mommy said as Catnap actually stopped to think "I- are you sure?" he asks as Mommy nods "yes, even through everything you and they have gone through, you all are still a close family, even if Dogday isn't here, you guys have each other, and the CEO can't break that bond, only makes you guys stronger" Mommy said as she smiled at Catnap getting a teary eyed smile back "thank you" said Catnap as he and Mommy walked together to find a maintenance worker to get fix the Playhouse's doors.

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