Chapter 361

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The critters kept getting closer, and the Dogday plushies were weakly trying to get free of Killy Willy's grasp. "They seem to be upset... I wonder what's going on with them" Bobby comments as the Dogday plushie she was holding was also struggling to get away. "Maybe we should let them go forward?" Catnap suggests as they do the Dogday plushies make it into the room and immediately get attacked by other mini critter plushies. "What the-" "oh no!" "Ahh!" the critters all look on with wide eyes and dropped jaws as they watch the already broken plushies get dragged away. "That's not normal behavior from them..." Catnap spoke after a moment of silence. "We may need Dogday's help" he said as everyone agreed, even Killy Willy. They ran to Dogday's dog house again, and called out for him. Catnap ran upstairs with Hoppy and Bubba, they ran into Dogday's room and were surprised to see it empty, they quickly go over to Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm's room seeing Dogday in bed with Sharp Charm and Bitty Kitty wrapped in his arms, all three had peaceful smiles on their faces, and photo albums covered the floor with every good memory displayed out on the floor. "Were they... going through all these?" asked Hoppy as they picked up a picture and smiled Kickin Chicken and Hoppy were both playing frisbee with each other and Dogday had stolen their frisbee. They giggle at the memory, Bubba sees a picture of Bobby giving Dogday and Catnap a hug, they had party hats on so it was probably a birthday picture, Dogday's birthday, he had a smile on his face as he remembered the memory vividly. Catnap looked at Dogday peacefully sleeping with those who he considered kids to him, and Catnap didn't have the heart to wake him up. "Come on guys... we will do it ourselves" he spoke quietly as Hoppy and Bubba look at him. "Are you sure?" Hoppy asks and Catnap nods as he walks out of the room Bubba and Hoppy following him and closing the door. "Sorry guys, but I couldn't do that to him... he's been through enough" Catnap said as Hoppy and Bubba smile in understanding. "So, what do we do now.. about the plushies?" asked Hoppy seemly worried about their behavior they all witnessed. "I'm not sure... it's not like them to just... attack like that, the most they do is nip at others, but that was a full on pounce and ambush" Catnap said a bit confused about why the plushies were acting so weirdly. Then it hit him, the CEO's plushies were still around their own plushies. "Guys... I know why..." Catnap spoke as he went downstairs and met up with the others. "What is it Catnap, why are they acting this way?" asked Bobby worried for the mini critter's safety. "It's because they have a threat among them all, the CEO's critters, not all of them left that Dogday skin suit... some of them escaped"

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