Chapter 397

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He felt a bit concerned when he heard Catnap speaking about plushies fighting, and mulling everything around them, including each other. He loooked wide eyed at Catnap, but said nothing as the permanent smile never conveyed his true emotions. The stitches were pulled so tight he was surprised that he hadn't been torn by those yet. He was still in excruciating pain and discomfort considering he had all his teeth removed and forced back into his mouth, and even as his mouth was sewn into the smile he was unable to really speak due to the pain he was feeling, his teeth weren't jagged anymore either, they were all uniform and straight, it was as if he had braces for a bit, and they straightened his teeth, but as nice as they looked now, that didn't help the pain. As he was moved if his teeth were move even the smallest amount of movement would cause a flare up of pain. He wishes their was a way to communicate but he needed to find a solid way, otherwise miscommunication could likely happen, and that's the last thing he would want especially when he's the one in pain, and seemly at the moment the weakest among the three of them. He looked up at Killy who was talking with Catnap, and then back at the purple kitty, Jax tried his best to listen but the pain he felt was too much as his ears were ringing as white noise took hold and he promptly fell asleep. Killy looked down as he felt Jax fall asleep in his arms, he didn't know what truly happened, but he knew Jax wasn't going back to the prototype for a while. "Catnap we can't have him go back to the prototype right now, he was thrown in the trash when I found him, the prototype didn't know he was still alive, I think the prototype may not understand the concept of life and death, or he just has bad judgement" as Killy said this Catnap rose a skeptical brow at him. "I thought the prototype was going to save up all, and give us a chance of freedom, and a better life than what we have here in the factory" as Catnap said this Killy laughed. "You really think that's his full plan?" as Killy asks this Catnap was confused "it's not?" Catnap tilts his head confused at Killy who's laughing a bit at the cat's expression. "Oh no, he has a bigger plan, but it includes you, so when the time is right you'll know" as Killy said this he hands Jax over to Catnap. "I'll be staying with the prototype for now, and I'll be back in the morning tomorrow" as Killy said this he started to walk away "I'll be at the school" said Catnap as Killy nods and walks off not really caring much about what Catnap is doing with his life, it's not his business to care for the feline.

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