Chapter 295

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Flashback Continues

Over the next few years Rich worked at the factory, he was surprised by how most of the workers weren't even human, they were living toys, not very many robots, or mascots as he thought. "How did you make these?" he asks the CEO one day to which the reply he received was "magic" Rich didn't believe in magic, there had to be another way. Another way there was... he was wandering the factory one day on a lunch break, and stumbled upon the labs. He was forbidden from going into the labs, so he wasn't all that curious, that is until he heard a scream, it wasn't a human scream though, it didn't sound animalistic either. It sounded like a creature.. or unidentified animal. Rich had walked through the doors that led to the lab, and he was able to snag a lab coat, as he was buttoning it up, he was spotting by other scientists who didn't recognize him. "Hey, are you supposed to be in here?" one asks as Rich just looked like a deer in headlights. "Of course, I've been told to... check on the experiments" he said with false confidence, but the scientists bought it, and wished him luck as they walked away. Rich kept an eye out for anything that could help him with his goal of finding out what was really happening in the factory, and then he saw it. A blue monster-like creature was attacking a few scientists who had grab packs, and were firing the plastic hands towards the monster. Rich's eyes widen as he looked directly at the monster, said monster screamed and began charging at the glass Rich was behind, as the creature got closer Rich panicked and ran the other way. The monster banged on the glass, but Rich was gone. He was sprinting down the hallway, and running towards the nearest exit, but in his haste he was spotted by scientists who DID recognize him. "Hey, you're not supposed to be here! Get him out!" the scientists grabbed their grab packs, and started to chase after Rich. He was about to make it towards the exit until something hard hit him in the back of the head, and he was launched forward into a wall. He fell with a thud, and as he was about to blackout completely he was a green hand retracting into the grab pack.

When Richard woke up he noticed he was in the CEO's office on the ground. "You know Rich, I really like you" the CEO was talking with his back facing Richard. "But we can't have what you saw in there being spread to the world just yet" Richard could hear a dangerous warning in the CEO's voice. "But.. that was a human, a living human-" he tried to say but the CEO cut him off "yes, but now that human is so much more, he plays a bigger role in life now, something you will understand one day" as the CEO walks over to Richard he looks at Richard with sinister plans in mind. "Don't worry... you'll be safe, if you work for me, and keep quiet about what you saw... otherwise" the CEO pulls out a gun from under his desk. Richard getting the idea puts his hands up in surrender. "I will, I will don't worry, you don't got to shoot me" he said as his mind wandered to his wife. As if reading his thoughts the CEO then spoke again "good, oh and you keep silent to your wife as well, I will NOT be having this place's reputation ruined because of one man who thought he was capable of bringing down a whole operation on his own, you're so stupid and naive" the CEO laughed as Richard just sat there is shock as the weight of what he just agreed to finally hit him full force.

End of Flashback

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