Chapter 255

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Dogday awoke tied down yet again. His wrists were sore from how tight the leather belt straps were, all of them starting to get under his fur, and touch the skin underneath, the sensitive skin that was new to him, this new body was a bit different from his older suit. This one seemed to have real flesh under the fur, flesh that he felt as he tried to get out of the restraints. He winced as his wrists and ankles started to feel like they were on fire. The more he struggled the more burnt his ankles and wrists felt, he screamed out for someone to help, but the only other person in the room with him was the CEO. "Hello Dogday" he spoke with a straight face to the dog mascot who was struggling in front of him. "What do you want, what are you going to do to me, you gave me a new body.. but why?" as Dogday spoke the CEO raised a brow. "Perhaps we can do this another day, you don't seem to be prepared enough" as the CEO walked away Dogday was confused "aren't you going to untie me?" he asks as the CEO rolls his eyes, and walks out of the room leaving Dogday alone with his own thoughts on what's going on, and where he is. 'I don't get it, why did he give me this body, and just.. leave me here, tied up, alone again..?' as Dogday lets his mind wander he doesn't notice the movement in the vent until it opens revealing Jax and a claw... the prototype. Dogday looked towards the prototype and at Jax, the poor plushie looked... awful. His right ear was torn, his left eye was hanging by a thread, he has a large scratch on his head, but you couldn't tell in the vent, only in the light. 'How long has he looked like that?' Thought Dogday as his eyes darted back towards the claw moving in closer to him. His eyes widen as the claw gets close to his eye as if it wanted to stab him and pierce through his skull, but quickly vanished as soon as Dogday opened his eyes, the claw was now near his torso Dogday looked at the claw as it crawled onto his stomach, one of the long claws started to poke him, it started off gently, but soon started to burn. "Ah.. AH!!" Dogday screamed as the claw started to stab into his stomach. He tried to stop it but the restraints were too tight and kept rubbing against his wrists and ankles causing him great pain as he started to bleed. "Help!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!" he screamed, but the whole room was sound proof, only way his voice could travel was the vents, but nobody was around the vents to hear him screaming as most of the people left, and the CEO told his security staff and scientists to keep the critters at bay in the Playcare.

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