Chapter 306

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The Smiling Critters all followed Catnap to the lab they were all dragged to when Hoppy had died, and became resurrected. "Umm... does anyone know what that smell is coming from?" Hoppy asks as they hold their nose, but everyone was just as confused as they were. "It doesn't matter right now" Catnap placed Dogday's body onto the table in front of all the critters and their faces seem to have dropped. Picky and Crafty looked pale, Bobby was shaking, Bubba looked a bit scared, Hoppy and Kickin both looked at the suit with wide eyes. "What is that?" asked Kickin not taking his eyes off or Dogday's suit. "It's Dogday... or well, his suit more likely, but either way" Cat explains as he places the jars containing Dogday's organs, brain, and bones, all out near the suit. Everyone is mostly silent except for Crafty's hyperventilating. "Maybe you should walk out for a second" said Catnap looking worriedly at Crafty as she gently nods her head and stumbles out, her knees buckle and she collapses on the floor, Bobby and Bubba are at her side in seconds. "Are you okay Crafty?" asks Bobby, "I-I'm fine.. the stench is just getting to me.." Crafty said as the nauseating scent began to make her dizzy. "Wh-What even is that smell?" she asks as everyone else looks at each other, but they notice Catnap looking at Dogday's suit. "I think I know, but.. it makes no sense on why" he whispers to everyone. Everyone looks towards the Dogday suit in confusion but they shrug it off. "It's probably just because it's old or something" Bobby said as she watched Bubba gently leading Crafty outside the room. Catnap watched them leave, and immediately began to set up everything. "Okay, well uhh.. I think we should get to work" he said as everyone was confused on how exactly they would do this. "Umm.. Catnap, do you know what you're doing?" asks Kickin who hasn't stopped looking towards the Dogday suit. "Umm... in truth no, I have no idea how the scientists do this.." he says as he frowns towards the suit. Everyone was frowning, but said nothing as they kept thinking about how to place the organs, and make sure they actually fit together properly to make sure Dogday functions correctly. Catnap frowns and suddenly groans slamming his head onto the table next to the suit, he can't help but notice that the scent coming from the suit smells like rotting flesh, and a hint of smoke. Catnap sits up and coughs as the smell was overpowering, and repulsive enough to make him gag. "Argh.. why does this suit smell like this?" he asks out loud as everyone looks at him and then at the Dogday suit. "We aren't sure, normally we don't really have scents that are like that, we have our personalized scents.. to... are our scents maybe a coverup for something?" asked Bobba making everyone look at her confused. "A coverup for something else..." was all she said as she looked towards the Dogday suit the smell of rot was coming out him in waves.

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