Chapter 250

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Catnap snuck past the guards but couldn't fight them all on his own. He watched his friends as they were picked up, and he ran towards the CEO's door. 'I'm sorry everyone, I'll come back to all when I save Dogday..' he thought as he pushed on the CEO's door trying to open it. 'Deadbolt locks..' he thinks as his tail makes his way up to the lock with one of Crafty's hairpins. "I'm not sure why she's the only one to use these, but I'm thankful for them, even if they get everywhere when we come over" he mumbles under his breath. "Don't worry Dogday.. I'm coming" he spoke softly as he unlocked the door, and walked inside. As he walked inside he noticed it was completely empty, except for the Dogday suits on the ground, the papers, and scratches on the wall, deep scratches with some flakes of blood. 'Dogday...' as his mind wanders he doesn't notice that someone is watching him. He walks out of the office and sees the security guards tying his friends up, and proceeding to carry them back to the Playcare. "What's going on, where is Dogday?" he asks as the security guards all look towards him. "That's classified information Catnap, just mind your own business your friend was just needed for an... purpose" the one guard said choosing his words very carefully. Catnap looked back at the office where the Dogday mascot suits were just laying on the ground, seven of them. 'Where did Dogday go, where is the CEO, what happened in there that caused those scratches, whose blood is that?' all these questions swirled around Catnap's mind as he walked to the Playcare where he saw the scientist enter his friend's houses and leave. He went to check on his friends to see them on laying in their beds asleep. Catnap felt terrible, he shouldn't have let his friends come with him, sure it would have been an unfair fight him against two hundred people and two crazy toys, but it was better then the result he got, yes he got into the office with the help of all his friends but Huggy and Kissy were taken to separate rooms because of him "they aren't in the same rooms as before.. they're going to be separated until they..." Catnap went to his house, it was lonely without Moonlight or Gloom. "I hope they're at least okay.. but I wish I knew what happened to Dogday" he spoke out loud to himself. Just as he was about to fall asleep he heard something coming through his vent above his head. "Wha..?" as he looks up he sees Jax in the vent staring down at him "hey Jax, do you know what happ-" "yes" Jax interrupted him but his response got Catnap's ears to perk up and he was wide awake. "What happened and where did the CEO go, where is Dogday at, and where are Moonlight, Small Frown, Shade and Gloom?" Catnap rapidly fired question after question but Jax was patient with him, waiting until he was done before he started to speak to Catnap about what happened within the CEO's office, and with Dogday.

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