Chapter 294

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Richard was angry at the Playtime Co. company. "Why aren't they allowing these kids to actually get adopted?" as he walked out of the factory he turned and looked up at the sign. The sign had reminded him of his biggest mistakes he made in the past. "Stupid factory... stupid job..." he mumbled as he got in his car, and drove home to his wife. On his way home he was thinking about his past when he was still in charge of his hours, and got his paycheck early. Now he was forced to work with minimum wage, coworkers who kept disappearing, and he was now forced to understand exactly what went down to the kids who got "adopted". He gripped his steering wheel a bit tighter, he had to calm down before he went home to his wife, he had hurt her once, never again he promised himself. "Those kids didn't deserve that fate.." he and his wife had tried the adoption process within the factory, tried adopting a little girl years ago, they were denied access to see her since she was "testing" they didn't understand what it meant, but they did now... or at least he did. He was forced to keep it confidential from his own wife, every day he'd lie telling her that he hadn't found out anything, yet he knew... he knew it all. He sighed as he watched the cars and street lights passing in blurs, he kept remembering that day, that day he took the job.


Rich waited for the next moment he was called in for the interview. "Okay Richie.. you know the plan" he's whisper under his breath. He was farther away from the others so they couldn't hear him, but he still wanted to make sure. "Get in, understand how this place works, if it's bad... report it to the cops" he whispered, but soon was called in to see the CEO. "You must be Richard" the CEO said as he sat behind a large desk. "Yes sir, I actually tried to adopt from your orphanage a while back and they had-" as he tried to explain the CEO interrupted him "they said he was testing, correct?" the CEO said as he eyed Richard in front of him. "Yes sir, that's correct, that's why I want to work with the orphanage staff, and learn a bit about the company, it seems very successful" he said as the CEO leaned back in his chair studying Richard. "We could use the help, but not in the orphanage, it's perfectly safe and we have an affective program when parents adopt the kids there" the CEO tried to make Richard understand but it only confused him more. "Well, what positions are open?" he asks as the CEO seemed to be smirking. "You can be head of staff in the toy industry, the place where we create toys" the CEO watched Richard's face drop, but soon looked determined "I'll take it" as he said this the CEO smiles and shakes his hand "welcome aboard" he says, little did Richard know this was going to be the beginning of a nightmare come to reality.

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