Chapter 309

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After that talk with Miss Delight Frowny was in better spirits. "The Smiling Critters accepted me, even when I wasn't able to smile with them... they considered me a friend even if I was different from them, but they're all friends, even with their own differences..." Frowny Fox smiled as he gently pet Gloom who was sleep in his lap. "They can all accept each other, and even me, even if the cartoon is a lie about our friendship" he chuckles softly as he feels Small Frown, and Shade snuggle closer to him. He doesn't overthink things, he just accepts things how they are, he loves knowing that he's accepted by The Smiling Critter, they let him do his own thing, and don't force him to do anything he doesn't feel comfortable with, and he also hoped they were able to bring Dogday back, as he was the best leader any of them knew. "Please come back Dogday... we need you" he whispers as he falls asleep with Shade, Gloom, and Small Frown next to him.

Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm were still very upset that Dogday was gone, but after they got informed that Catnap was trying to relive him, they felt excited and happy about it. They weren't sure if it was possible, but they didn't want to get their hopes up, so they decided to just wait and see where things go from there. They stayed close to each other in the corner of the room mainly minding their business as everyone else around them slept and watched over each other. Sharp Charm was using Bitty Kitty's shoulder as a pillow, and she refused to move the entire time. She wasn't allowing her "brother" to sleep on the hard floor so she let him use her as a pillow as she slept and using his head as her own pillow. The two smile in their sleep since they weren't having any bad dreams from the poppy gas finally. They both remember their nightmares from the gas as they were strapped to their beds unable to flail like the other Smiling Critters their restraints were affective to making the nightmares worse. They both remember running in their sleep from something, something big, loud, and heavy as when they were running the floor underneath they seemed to vibrate. That wasn't in their dreams though, the Dogday plushies were attacking the human guards in their room as the guards kept trying to hit the plushies with their grab packs but instead kept hitting the beds causing Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm to feel the vibration and moving causing their nightmares to seem more realistic and terrifying as they kept trying to run, but the restraints did their job causing them worse panic. It was an unpleasant experience for both, and caused them both some PTSD as they were scared that they were going to actually die from the figure in their nightmares they experienced from the poppy gas. Now that they aren't restrained or in the vicinity of the poppy gas though they feel a lot safer having each other close by as they hold each other's hand and occasionally give each other a squeeze in their sleep both returning the other's hand squeeze to ensure that it's okay, they're safe now.

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