Chapter 326

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"I'll go next" said Bitty Kitty as she wiped her eyes. "Dogday is one of the kindest souls anyone would have the fortune of meeting, we was always brave, and willing to put others before him" Kitty Bitty started to feel lighter releasing everything she wanted to say the words she's been holding back ever since that day. "Dogday's been the best father figure to us, and always was willing to go out of his way to help us, and make sure we succeeded in life" Catnap smiled as Bitty Kitty continued "he was the best friend, father-figure, and partner" Catnap admits he had to look away to hide the blush on his face. "That anyone could ask for" Bitty Kitty ended it with a laugh seeing that Catnap was embarrassed. Sharp Charm was next he gulped and decided that it would probably be best if he closed his eyes. He closed his eyes and began "Dogday was one of the best Smiling Critters, no offense to any of the others" he said quickly as Catnap and Bitty Kitty both chuckle "he's helped me when I was scared to meet other kids, he helped me and was patient with me when I needed help with homework, or fitting it, he got me to see that it was okay to be different and stand out, and he always made me laugh, he would purposely embarrass himself if it meant that I got to laugh, and it was the best feeling in the world" Sharp Charm was in tears and his voice was shaking and cracking but he continued "Dogday was the father-figure I always dreamed about back when I was a kid.. kind, understanding, patient, nobody could beat him" as he ended his turn Catnap and Bitty Kitty both had tears in their eyes. "And I think that concludes this conversation" Catnap said as Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm both smile and laugh, Catnap pulled them in for a hug wrapping his tail and his arms around them as they giggled and laughed. "Dogday would be proud of both of you for staying strong like this, despite everything that's happened" Catnap's gentle voice made Sharp Charm and Bitty Kitty smile. "He would be proud of you as well Catnap" they both said at the same time causing them to burst out in laughter, even Catnap joined in on the laughter. He let both Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm into the house, and smiled as he remembered all the good memories the place held. He sighed but led the two upstairs anyways, and went to their rooms. "Okay, I know it's the day cycle, but we need you two on regular sleep schedules again" Catnap said sounding very similar to Dogday, it made Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm feel safe and comfortable. "Okay, we got to get you two to brush your teeth, and probably a bath first" Catnap thought as Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm smiled at him and nodded.

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