Chapter 257

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The CEO walks over to Dogday and puts an ear next to the dog's mouth, feeling and hearing nothing. He shakes his head as the scientist walk over and attempting to grab Dogday the prototype jumps in front of the corpse. The scientists try to move around the prototype but everything they do they either get scratched, or they get hit by the prototype himself. "Sir we need this freaky claw to move, every second we are losing time to save Dogday's life" the scientists all looked at the claw annoyed, but the CEO rolled his eyes walking over. "You need to move, and LEAVE" as he said this the claw only clawed on top of Dogday's chest. It started to dig inside again, but the scientists all stopped him. "Get out of him! You should be leaving now, you've done your part, we got what we needed, so just go!" the scientist said as he threw the prototype at the wall near Jax who seemed to be trembling and letting out small whimpers as he watched the scientists grab Dogday and carry him back to the lab. The prototype grabs Jax and pulls into the vent dragging him down to the ground floor again. "He's dead.. isn't he?" Jax asks the prototype who keeps crawling away from him. Jax shook a bit but decided he had to find Catnap he crawled up the shaft again towards the Playcare. He whimpered a few times and kept looking behind him incase the prototype came after him, but seemed he was on his own now, so he continued on to find Catnap and the other Smiling Critters. He checked everyone's house but they were all asleep, knocked out from poppy gas it drifted into their rooms, keeping them asleep. 'Not good..' Jax thought as he made his way towards the school. He growls as Frowny as also asleep with a gas mask on... but it was connected to a poppy gas tank. Noticing that nobody seemed to be awake, he decided to go to Catnap's house and wait for him as he saw Catnap walking towards his house looking defeated. Jax looked down at Catnap's bed as he saw Catnap make his way over getting ready to sleep. Catnap seemed to have noticed him because he started to ask question after question about Dogday, and what all happened as Catnap was asking these questions, he was mentally preparing himself to let Catnap down gently with the information about Dogday. After so many questions Catnap finally let Jax speak, but Jax was unprepared to speak. He opened and closed his mouth again and again, but nothing came out, he hadn't noticed but a tear fell from his eye, and landed on Catnap's cheek, Catnap felt the tear hit his cheek, and gently rubbed it, and looked up at Jax who was silently crying above him in the vent. "Jax... what happened to Dogday?" as Catnap spoke that question quietly to the plushie, Jax broke down and said everything from the beginning.

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