Chapter 330

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Catnap stayed with Frowny for a while before he grabbed his paw, and gently picked up Gloom, and Shade, while Frowny picked up Small Frown. "You're coming to stay with us for a while" Catnap said as he dragged Frowny over to Dogday's dog house. "You can sleep on the couch if you want, but you're allowed to sleep in Dogday's room. "Oh no no! I couldn't do that, he wouldn't want that-" "actually he would often do that for us when we are sick" Catnap said pointing out an obvious fact. "He would?" asked Frowny as his eyes widened as he imagined Dogday actually allowing others to sleep in his bed when they were sick. "Yeah, you can ask any of the Smiling Critters, he sleeps on the couch downstairs, and checks on us regularly to make sure we're all okay" Catnap said smiling and remembering all the times Dogday sacrificed his house for his friends, the memories made him chuckle because of how selfless Dogday's always been towards others, even the staff members. He was always the one to apologize for messes the others created for the staff members to clean up. When the CEO had caught Hoppy and Kickin and brought them back to the Playcare Dogday took full responsibility for them. Catnap wonders if Dogday would've taken a bullet for any of his friends. The thought makes him frown because he knows deep down Dogday would absolutely do it, he's sacrificed himself a few times, taken punishments that the others should've gotten, and even spent the $1.00 they all normally got for paychecks he saved up enough to buy all the orphans ice cream. Dogday set high standards for everyone who wanted to be like him, everyone was thinking it was impossible to actually achieve all that Dogday had achieved, but Dogday would always let them know they already achieved something more... Dogday's respect. Catnap was always helping Dogday whenever he could, but in the end... was it enough? Could Catnap have done better? Could he have been a better friend? These thoughts broke through his happy thoughts as he sat in Dogday's bedroom looking out the window. Frowny Fox agreed to sleep on the couch, and he got Dogday's bedroom. Tears appeared in the corners of Catnap's eyes as he started to doubt his worth as Dogday's friend.. his best friend. "Am I even a good enough friend for him.. was I ever good to him... have I helped him enough... did I burden him too much.. was he only nice to me because he had to be... was Dogday his true friend, or was I Dogday's true best friend..?" Catnap cycled through these questions one by one in his head. "Maybe Sharp Charm was right..." he buries his head in his knees and simply cries silently in Dogday's room, surrounded by the beautiful scent of vanilla. "I wish you were here Dogday... I really miss you... I need you, I can't do this alone.." Catnap couldn't sleep that night, he stayed up looking out the window at the night cycle of the dome outside.

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