Chapter 313

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As the CEO starts to walk away from the Playcare and all the toys and children he started to think where Catnap and the rest of the Smiling Critters could be. "It's not like them to disappear... they're either hiding, or they're trying to be sneaky" he said out loud to himself as he started to walk back towards the train station. The CEO lowers Bunzo to the ground and asks if he can help. "Are you able to help me track down The Smiling Critters at all?" To which Bunzo replies "I might be, I'll have to be really sneaky though" he said as he bounced off, leaving the CEO to do his own searching. The CEO sighs in frustration as his search continues.

Frowny Fox leads the others down the hall towards the CEO's office, but as they are almost there they see a disturbing sight of seven Dogday plushies stacked against a wall, six were unknown, but the one on top clearly the most damaged and broken of them all.. was Jax. Frowny and the others gasp at the sight before Frowny runs over and checks for any signs of life, he looks towards everyone with a frown and tears forming in his eyes as he slowly walks over to them and shakes his head indicating that Jax and the other Dogday plushies were gone. Everyone stood in silence as they mourned yet another life taken from them by who they all assume was the CEO. "He'll pay with his own life one of these days.." Frowny said under his breath, but nobody heard him as they all stood there in silence. "We have to keep going everyone, it's the only way" Frowny said as he walked into the CEO's office, the others quietly following, and locking the door behind them, and they got to work on pinpointing where the Smiling Critters were.

Catnap silently zipped up the Dogday suit, and sat down next to it in deep thought, the other critters were somewhere else in the lab speaking amongst each other, but Catnap didn't find it in himself to move. He gently took the suit's paw in his own and feeling the texture of the suit's boneless fingers he was surprised he hadn't known about it before, the suit was like a Halloween costume, except it was heavier, and honestly, probably scarier then any Halloween costume ever would be. He looks at the lifeless face of his best friend, the only Smiling Critter who truly knew him the best, the one he would cuddle with, and always enjoy being around, tears soon started to pour down Catnap's face as he remembered all the good times he's had with Dogday, their tree at recess, all the sleepovers, and cuddles, the cheek kisses, the time they raised Moonlight and Sunshine together.. Catnap was sure that Moonlight had left him to go back to the other plushies in the Playhouse, but he wasn't sure, maybe the CEO killed him off too, and that thought made Catnap cry harder.

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