Chapter 259

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The security guards were a bit shocked to see Catnap still awake, but they remembered the CEO warning them about one of the Smiling Critters being immune to the poppy gas, and to keep a close eye on him. "That's the one" one of the guards shouted to the others as they all circled Catnap's house. He peaked out the window and saw the guards all closing in, he backed away from the door as it seemed they were trying to break in, the pounding on the door got louder and louder until Jax got an idea.

The guards flooded into the house as the door was knocked off its hinges and onto the floor. The guards swarmed his house, but as they made their way upstairs, they were greeted with an empty room, and a purple tail climbing up the vent. "Contact the CEO and make sure we know how to proceed, he's told us that, Catnap as he's referred to, is dangerous when it comes to protecting what's his" as the two guards were sent off to contact the CEO about the situation, the one remained under the vent looking up at two glowing white eyes.

The scientists were frantic working to restore Dogday to his body and get him back to normal, after his encounter with the prototype even the CEO had admitted that the claw went too far, and they had sent him back on his way, while figuring out what to do with Dogday's corpse. "Hurry and fix this, we don't have all day" the CEO shouts as he makes his way back to his office. He grabs one of the Dogday suits snd looks at it for a moment before he bring it over to the scientists and tell them to use it, and make sure it works up to their specifications. As the scientists try to stabilize Dogday and get all his organs and bones together, they all found it increasingly difficult as some of his rib cage was splintered and unable to reattach, let alone function properly without Dogday being in any sort of pain. "I don't think we can continue this, he seems to be getting worse.." one of the scientists said as the others mumble their agreement. One scientist steps forward with a shot gun aiming it at the unconscious dog mascot, he takes aim at the mascot's head, and fires at Dogday, the dog going quickly, and they all had to make sure that he was truly well and gone they had all watched Dogday's corpse be dragged away to the incinerator. "Goodbye Dogday... one day we shall meet again" one of the employees whispers as she watches her beloved mascot get thrown into the burning flames of the fire. "With Dogday out of the way I am free to talk to those Smiling Critters, since their beloved leader is dead and gone" as the CEO spoke to himself he was wiring everything for the cardboard cutout he pressed the button and it worked perfectly, everything worked perfectly on each of them. The CEO was extremely happy and pleased about it.

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