Chapter 222

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As Daisy looks at Mommy she starts to recall a memory.


A little girl with freckles and ginger hair tied into a ponytail sat in musical memory playing the game laughing as Bunzo Bunny slowly dropped down with his symbols. "I wish I could be apart of a game like this" she spoke and ran out with the other kids as they were grouped up for a school field trip. As the little girl was laughing she didn't notice a rubber arm in her way as she tripped over it. She smacked her face into the floor hard crying. The owner of the arm turns towards the crying child and immediately apologizes. "Mommy is so sorry little one for hurting you" she spoke in a gentle tone towards the child who looked up at the toy with big watery eyes. "I'm Mommy Longlegs and I am a motherly figure towards all these kids here" she introduces herself while helping the young child up off the floor. "There now we can get you back to your classmates" as Mommy and the little girl started to walk towards the hallway the little girl's vision started to blur as she fell to the ground the last thing she heard and saw was Mommy Longlegs screaming "NOOOOOO!!!" to her as what looked to be security guards stopping her from approaching the poor little girl as she was pulled away from her class and Mommy Longlegs

End of Flashback

Daisy stares at Mommy for a good while. "Mommy.. is it really... really you?" she asks as Mommy Longlegs comes closer. "Of course it's me, who else would it be?" she asks with a big smile towards Daisy, but Daisy could do nothing but cry as she gets lowered down. She wanted a hug from Mommy but it turns out the CEO needed her. She gets lowered all the way to the ground but the CEO just straps symbols to her leaf hands. "What are these for..?" she asks as the CEO says nothing and she's lifted back up. Daisy looks around and noticed Mommy left, she was alone yet again as she then hears the CEO speaking to someone. "Don't worry if they kids don't like her, we can just scrap her like the rest" "if you say so sir, but I don't think she would like it so much" "she doesn't have a choice, the doors are opening in twenty five minutes" the CEO said to the other person as the two walked away. 'Scrap her..?' she thought as she frowns.

Cat Bee was enjoying her time around the factory, she walked into the gift shop and noticed there were already a few Cat Bees on the shelf. 'Cute' she thought as she smiles and walks out of the gift shop getting ready to greet the guests who come in. "Meow meow meow buzz" she starts to sing and dance around the desk a little bit as the people at the desk smile.

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