Chapter 208

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Finally the time came when Dogday could go home, he and Miss Delight knew there would be more time for talks like this next time, and Dogday was actually happy about it. "Bye Miss Delight" Dogday said as he ran home Miss Delight waved as he ran off.

Finally getting home he ended up falling sleep in his dog bed immediately. Sharp Charm and Bitty Kitty checked in on him and smiled seeing him asleep, they went back to their own rooms to sleep. Bitty Kitty wasn't too happy about the new schedules, but she could tell that Dogday was happier about something, so she was naturally curious about what got him in a happier mood. As someone who often loved to help others, she was determined to help out Dogday because he's always helped her out. "Sharp Charm, are you awake?" she asks as Sharp Charm immediately turns to her "Yeah I'm awake" he responds as she smiles. "Dogday was in a good mood after he was in Home Sweet Home" she said as Sharp Charm nods his head in agreement. "I wonder what made him so happy though" she said as Sharp Charm looked at her "sneaking mission?" he asks as she giggles and nods. They both agree to sneak and follow Dogday next time because they were naturally curious about what makes him happy. They both go to sleep getting their thoughts together about the next day.

As Tuesday came Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm were both excited to see what the day would bring. "Alright you know the plan" Bitty Kitty said as Sharp Charm nods his head. They both head downstairs and eat breakfast with Dogday as they all say their good mornings and get ready for the school day. Dogday goes into the classroom first and then Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm both wink at each other following Dogday inside. Nothing seemed to be at school that made Dogday smile except for Catnap, The Smiling Critters, and the kids, but that couldn't be it, so they had followed him into Home Sweet Home. Naturally it was another busy day and Dogday was mainly busy with everything to notice the two. They watched him and even played with some of the kids when his back was turned. Then Miss Delight came over to him and they walked into a room together, Sharp Charm and Bitty Kitty watched from the doorway. Dogday was curled up in Miss Delight's lap as she gently pet him and they both spoke quietly to each other, both Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm now understood why he was so happy, he had someone to talk to about his day. As the two left Home Sweet Home, earlier then Dogday so they wouldn't be caught, they both realize that it helps Dogday when he has someone who will listen to him. "Everyone is busy with their own schedules and they seem to each have someone with them, except Catnap he's naturally a solo type, but Dogday isn't, he needed to be with someone he knew, and he knew Miss Delight the longest here, it makes sense now" Sharp Charm explained it all to Bitty Kitty as she nodded along. "We shouldn't try to change the schedules, I think Dogday needs this" Bitty Kitty said as Sharp Charm smiles and nods "maybe everyone else can have a changed schedule, but we can probably keep Dogday's the same" he explains as they both think of how they will get to the CEO's office without getting caught.

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