Chapter 346

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Rich was loathing this. The CEO had restrained him with rope, and chains, and kept only his head free... or so he thought. Rich was in a weird position with the CEO's arm around his neck, being worryingly gentle, and petting him?! The worst part is that even in the suit he felt the pets from the CEO's hands as they stroked his head slowly, and gently. It caused Rich to involuntarily shiver in disgust. He wasn't even able to say anything, or turn away, the CEO's back was pressed firmly against his head, and he was forced to endure this torture. "Would you like me to explain what's going to truly happen to you in there?" the CEO asked very quietly. Rich was afraid to find out, but since he was unable to move or speak out the CEO took it as a sign to begin speaking. "As you know... you will die in there, that's the inevitable consequence of being trapped inside that suit. It's obvious that you can't feel your arms from the elbow down, or your legs from the knees down, correct?" as the CEO got no reply he assumed Rich was listening and continued "I cut those off... limiting your chances of escape, and also making sure that you can't put up much of a struggle. The physical body you have right now will slowly rot away inside the suit, and you'll slowly feel weaker, and weaker every day, you will grow weaker due to starvation, and you'll be getting no water, food, or anything for the remainder that you're in there" the CEO spoke softly still petting the Dogday suit's head. "I know you can feel this even being trapped in there Rich, that's the process starting, and soon you will be no more" as the CEO said this the Dogday suit was felt trembling under his touch. "After your flesh, and muscles all die, and rot away, I will unzip the suit, since the lining is already built in with human flesh, it won't take long for everything to die afterwards, all that will be left are the bones, and I will be quick to remove the organs, and all that, but you will be alive still, inside the suit" the CEO smiled as he said this. "Your soul will be transferred into the suit, and I will make sure to keep you alive, I will drill into your bones and use wires to string your bones together, and keep them in place, your organs will be placed back inside the suit, and you will be zipped up, as I said before though, it's a long process, and a delicate one at that, one wrong move and you could die permanently, but this is a way to keep you immortal" the CEO was still petting the Dogday suit's head but Rich inside the suit was at a loss for words. "Wha.. what... no..." Rich spoke to himself as a few tears fell down his cheeks.

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