Chapter 275

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"You were the human who was on patrol that fateful day..." Jax began. "This place was perfect, it was a safe haven for all the Smiling Critter plushies, we all were happy, we would play with the kids and chase them around as they laughed" Jax growled after that sentence though, making the human shake worriedly. "Then you had to create that STUPID flare gun..." as Jax said this he bit down into the human's skull not hard enough to kill, but hard enough to draw blood. "That flare gun" Jax continued "was our downfall, as the kids were only meant to scare us away by shooting next to us, a few of the older kids used the flares as real weapons... they shot two of the Dogday plushies, and we were all forced to watch as two of our kind were burnt and screaming out in pain as the human children laughed, and laughed, and laughed" Jax was shaking in anger. "Those two Dogday plushies ran down here to the pool area.. and forced themselves to jump in, but as they did, they soon discovered they couldn't swim" Jax watched the human's eyes widen as if he was remembering. "They jumped in the pool, putting themselves out... out of fire, and out of time" as Jax said this the human had tears streaming down his face. "I'm sorry.. I- I couldn't do anything" the human tried to tell Jax, but the plushie looked at him livid. "You could have saved them, you watched them die" Jax growled at the human "now... we get to watch you die" he spoke in a low dangerous tone. Jax nodded towards the plushie Dogdays who sat on a chair that was holding the human up in the air, but as soon as Jax jumped over to them and nodded his head, all the Dogday plushies jumped off the chair. "Wait-!" the human tried but the slack of the rope was too long, he fell to the ground head first with an audible thud and squelch as his head was split open from first contact with the floor. Catnap covered Moonlight's eyes as he watched the gruesome sight as all the Dogday plushies cheered, their biggest threat was gone. "I... that's great for you guys, but umm... can we ask for some help from you guys..?" Catnap was a bit afraid to ask as he sees the Dogday plushies in a new light, a new terrifying light. "Sure, we'll help you guys, but first we got to hide this body" Jax said as he points to the body in the pool. Catnap nods "I guess I'll help, since you all are.. you know" he motions to the plushies as they're all dancing around and having a good time. "Yeah.. sorry about all this, we just saw the opportunity and took it, we had a grudge against that guy for a long time, he was the one who watched me drown as well, and did nothing to help me as I was torn up" Jax said as he and Catnap walk down to the man's body and drag him away.

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