Chapter 233

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As Daisy watched the kids run off with her symbols she looked at Mommy Longlegs for help "I'll get them for you" she said as she ran after the kids. She wasn't sure where they went but after she scaled a wall and got a better look at her surroundings she saw the kids with the CEO. The CEO looked at the symbols and took them from the kids after thanking them for finding them, he then marched towards the entrance where Daisy was, Mommy gasps and crawls over to Daisy but Daisy was already being lowered down. "No!" she said as Daisy looked towards her with a frown and pleading eyes. As Daisy gets lowered towards the CEO he.. smiles at her? "You dropped these" he said as he helped put the symbols back into her leaves. "Thank you, and I'm sorry.." Daisy said as she felt ashamed that she dropped both her symbols on the second day of work, but the CEO waves her off "it's fine, mistakes happen, I'll let you in on a secret, want to know my biggest mistakes made here?" he asks as Daisy looked conflicted but nods. "My biggest mistakes I've made here at the factory were...The Smiling Critters.." as he said that Mommy Longlegs heard and got angry. "They're nice, what does he mean?" she asks with a frown on her face. "Who are The Smiling Critters?" asks Daisy "they are animal mascots I created, and given love and care to.. they got a home, and they banned me from it, they made me the bad guy, and decided to.. to.. kill all my old staff.." he said that with a sad tone making Daisy upset. "Don't worry sir, I'll be sure to stay away from them, and-" the CEO interrupts her "also stay away from Mommy Longlegs, I know you two have talked, but she sees the critters as nice and kind, and they aren't nice and kind, anything she tells you about them is a lie" as the CEO says this Daisy looks up at Mommy and glares at her. Mommy's heart broke... the CEO had won Ari over, her Ari was gone.

Catnap and Dogday both took Frowny Fox and his plushies to Catnap's house. "They'll stay with Catnap until I get back from Home Sweet Home, then we will figure out where to go from then" Dogday explains as Frowny Fox nods in understanding. "Thank you both for doing this" Frowny said smiling at the two mascots as they smiled back at him. "It's no problem, plus Moonlight would enjoy some company, and I think Dogday may need more little critters around" Catnap nudges Dogday playfully as Dogday laughs "I've got Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm, I'll accept anyone at this point" he said as they all laugh.

Bobby Bearhug, Bubba Bubbaphant, and Craftycorn all stayed together as they watched the soccer game between Hoppy Hopscotch and Kickin Chicken. "You guys got this, we believe in you!" Craftycorn cheers.

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