Chapter 393

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Flashback Continues

Jax was finally getting his own strength back, it was a slow process but he was determined as ever, but then the CEO had grabbed him. He was terrified, yet he didn't let it stop him, he kept trying to move, but the CEO was not allowing it, he instead had endured torture. All his metal teeth he had painfully attached to his mouth were suddenly all ripped out of his mouth and torn from his jaw. He was unable to move, speak, or even get the CEO's attention, even as he saw the prototype hovering over him as well, it seemed that nobody was able to see him, and he was trapped. Every tear in his mouth was excruciating but he could do nothing as it went on and on, each tooth was torn out, and dropped near the top of his head, he tried to get his white pupils to show, but they somehow weren't showing when he needed them to. He tried to scream and cry out but nothing, it was as if he was invisible to them all. Even as he had a buildup of tears leaking from his eyes the CEO didn't seem concerned about his wellbeing, he just kept tearing out each took, and making sure to sew his mouth back up. His smile became permanent, and he wasn't able to change his facial expressions anymore due to the thread that the CEO had used to "help him" he was forced with a permanent smile even as the prototype grabbed him and dragged him away.

End of Flashback

Jax was confused what the prototype was going to do to him now, but as soon as the prototype held a bag filled with metal in front of him, he understood, his teeth. The prototype was unaware of the pain Jax was going through as each of his teeth were forced into his mouth again. He did have a few years break out but the prototype didn't seem to care, he just continues to tear into Jax' mouth with the metal teeth, snipping the thread, and forcefully jamming the teeth into Jax' mouth, his permanent smile betraying his true emotions as fear, sadness, and a bit of anxiety came up as the prototype growls and slams his fist onto the table every so often causing the plushie to jump a bit from the impact, the jolting would move his teeth causing him even more pain. 'Now I know why those children were talking so badly about the dentist...' he thought bitterly as the prototype jammed his teeth into a few of the sensitive and delicate newly sewn up pieces of his jaw. The tearing sounds and the pain were becoming too much for Jax but he knew he couldn't just pass out, he was hoping the other plushies had gotten the help they needed. Little did he know those Dogday plushies were fighting for their lives right now, too weak to fight back, and too weak to stand their ground as the other plushies closed in.

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