Chapter 252

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As Dogday and the CEO walked towards the office they were met with a fight? They walked out to see the prototype chasing Jax back into the vent, Jax promising to come back as the claw chased him away. The claw came back into the room as they heard shouting and fighting outside "should we let them in?" asked Dogday but the CEO frowned and shook his head no, instead he picked up one of the Dogday suits on the ground and dragged it towards another vent. "We will meet you there" he spoke to the clawed figure as he dragged the Dogday suit through the vent to another location. "Come Dogday we must go over the lines-" as he was about to finish speaking the prototype came back out of the vent, and went for Dogday, the CEO had jumped in front of Dogday to protect him, and in result got scratched on his arm, and chest. The CEO fell to the floor but Dogday growled at the clawed hand. "You don't scare me, why attack me?!" he demanded as the claws charged at him forcing him to run around the room to avoid being scratched. He ended up getting cornered though, as the CEO got up and saw Dogday cornered by the prototype he shouts "not the time!" the prototype ignores him and instead claws Dogday's chest spraying blood onto the wall and Dogday screams out, the CEO quickly covers the dog's mouth and tells him to be quiet. As the CEO grabs Dogday's paw he drags him towards the underground lab again as the prototype begins to get angry. He claws the walls and throws papers on the ground, messing up the entire room. Meanwhile Dogday and the CEO were hiding in the lab as the prototype was banging on the door, it wouldn't be let in though... not until later.

"I apologize for that Dogday" the CEO sounded sincere about his apology, but Dogday was still skeptical about what that was all about. "Why was that thing there?" he demanded as the CEO sighed and lies saying "I'm not sure what happened, or why he was there, but it seems that he wants you dead" as the CEO spoke Dogday was a bit shaken up by his encounter. "What.. what do we do though, he's outside the door and we are stuck inside here until he leaves, I don't want to risk losing my new body to him, what if he kills me?" as he asks this he notices the CEO was looking at him with what looked to be sympathy. "What's with the look..?" he asks as the CEO shakes his head. "It's nothing, just.. I don't want to lose you to the prototype... he's ruthless, and will stop at nothing to make sure you're dead.." the CEO spoke in a low voice, but Dogday caught every word. "So.. he does plan to kill me?" as he asks this the CEO shakes his head "no he plans to kill everyone" with this said Dogday began to shake again.

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