Chapter 237

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Catnap was resting on his couch with Moonlight, Shade, Gloom, and Small Frown when Dogday knocked on his door. "I'm coming" Catnap said as he got up with Gloom on his head. "Dogday?" he asks as Dogday stood at his door "you're allowed to just come in, you don't have to knock, you know that" Catnap said as Dogday stood there laughing a small bit "sorry, I forgot" Catnap smiles at his friend as walks back to the other plushies letting Gloom climb down to see their siblings. "So which two did you want again?" asked Catnap as Dogday came over and kneeled in front of the foxes. "Which two are okay with not being separated?" he asks as Shade and Small Frown came over. "Oh, so you two are okay together?" he asks as Shade nods and protectively glances at Small Frown who looked excitedly up at Dogday. Dogday smiled down at the foxes noticing that Shade and Small Frown seemed close and Gloom was a bit more isolated. 'They still all love each other equally since they're family' Dogday thought with a smile as Gloom came over to their siblings and started to give them what appeared to be hugs as they wrapped their little stubs for paws around each other and let go waving bye to them. Shade and Small Frown looked up at Dogday as he smiled down at the toy and picked them up. "I'll see you tomorrow Catnap, and let you know I need to talk with you" he smiled as Catnap nods towards his watching Shade and Small Frown happily wag their tails as they were on their way to Dogday's house. Gloom went over to Moonlight and snuggled with the purple cat plushie as they both fell asleep.

As Dogday makes it home and sets Shade and Small Frown down to explore the place Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm came downstairs with big smiles on their faces. They both gave Dogday a hug which confused Dogday "what's with the random hug, seems different" he comments as Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm both laugh "it's nothing, we just really missed you" making Dogday's heart feel warm. "I miss you both two.. every day I'm not with you both, I feel hurt, but then I remember you both have each other, you'll be okay because I'll always come back to see you guys, I promise" as he said that Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm both smile up at him and tighten their hugs. He doesn't mind it because he loves them both and would do anything to see them smile.

Later that night Jax had come down to Dogday's vent, and was faced with two identical fox plushies. "You two must be the newest additions to this family" he said scaring the two a bit with his voice. "Who are you..?" asked Small Frown. "Don't worry about that... you guys wouldn't recognize me if I told you, only Gloom would" at mention of their brother the two rounded on Jax. "What do you mean our brother would know you?!" Shade demands as Jax looks toward them unimpressed with their sudden bravery towards him. Jax rolls his eyes "I came to talk to Dogday, not you two.." Jax turned around and the two foxes were confused. "How can you talk to him?" asked Small Frown. "Don't worry about that, just know I'm a messenger of Poppy" and with that he left the two stunned foxes alone looking at the vent.

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