Chapter 358

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"Catnap are you crazy?!" Hoppy asks as they run after the feline. "Guys, all I want to do is get Dogday is voice back, I don't want my best friend to be mute forever" Catnap said as he kept running trying to find Killy Willy. "We get that, but the CEO might be making one for him" as Hoppy tries to persuade Catnap they scream as a black claw almost scratches them. Catnap looks back to see Killy Willy on top of a lamppost. "Killy just the monster I was trying to find" Catnap said smiling up at him causing Killy Willy to narrow his eyes in suspicion. "What do you want?" he asks as the other critters seem to be backing away a bit as Killy climbs down and towers over Catnap waiting for a response from the cat. "I've already killed a cat.." Killy reminds as Catnap had flashbacks to Candy Cat's last scream before she was broken into pieces. "Yes.. I remember that, well I need your help, as you know the CEO is trying to kill me, and I'm unable to go near him" Catnap explains as Killy just nods for him to go on "and as you know Dogday can't speak, he has no... voice box" Catnap explains this as Killy sighs in annoyance. "So what does that have to do with me?" he asks a bit more of a growl escaping his voice. "Well, I need you to maybe talk to the CEO about umm... getting a voice box for Dogday?" as Catnap smiles up at Killy the monster gives the cat are a deadpanned look. "Are you serious?" he asks as Catnap nods "please, it will help you also form trust with us" said Catnap trying to persuade Killy. "I don't need your trust, I don't care for you all" Killy said as Frowny Fox bit his tongue.  "We get that Killy, but you are in the orphanage, and we would like you to try and help us while you're here... otherwise what's the point having you here, you aren't doing anything to help us, you aren't being very nice, or even making an effort to be nice" Catnap said as he looked Killy dead in the eyes. "Ha are you trying to really say that you're trying to help me, or reform me to be like you all?" as Killy asked this Catnap just shrugged "I mean it IS your choice, but I'm just saying, you should really leave if you're not going to help us, or make an effort to be kind" as Catnap said this Killy was confused. "Why would I be nice to you idiots?" Killy asked truly confused by this. "What, don't think you could be nice, are you afraid to be nice, and make friends?" Catnap challenged as Killy just growls. "Why would I fear something so dumb and useless?" Killy asks but Catnap just laughs at him. "So you are afraid?" Catnap asks with a smug look. "The big bad Killy Willy is afraid to try and be nice, and make friends?" as Catnap continues to mock Killy the monster seems to be getting more and more angrier. The other Smiling Critters sensing danger start to slowly circle around the two.

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