Chapter 363

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All the critters are in agreement to protect Dogday now. "No more of him taking the fall for us, we got to stand up for ourselves, and for him, he's our friend" said Hoppy as they jumped over to their friends and shook them rapidly to get them out of their saddened states. "Dogday would do this all for us, we should return the favor and do it for him" they kept saying as the other critters all looked at each other in confusion. "You're saying that we risk our lives for Dogday if the time comes?" asked Kickin a bit skeptical but Hoppy made him change his mind by explaining "if Dogday says that he would sacrifice himself for us, and that he would basically die for us, then what's stopping us from doing the same for him?" as Hoppy kept trying to convince everyone Catnap was the only one who seemed to be against the idea. "This won't change anything though, he will still try and convince us that he's the leader, and that he needs to be taking all the risks for us" Catnap countered Hoppy but the rabbit was not going down that easy. "Look Catnap you said it yourself, so many times, we didn't believe you until now, because Dogday said it in his own words... or notes" as Hoppy read over the notes again. "He will still try to convince us to step down though, he's the leader for a reason, we can't have him risking his life and putting it in danger for us every time, but we can try and stall him long enough to keep him and ourselves safe" as Catnap said this the other critters looked at him confused. "Stall him?" asked Bobby "yeah, stall him, if he says he would do something, try and talk him out of it, or distract him and make him realize that his life isn't worth losing for our own" Catnap explains causing the other critters to really think it over. "So, you're going to try and convince him to stop trying to be a hero, or.. or our leader, and talk to him about stepping down and getting on our level?" asked Kickin. Catnap face palmed "no, we convince him to not risk his life, if he's in confrontation with someone, say the CEO, if we are all there, and he tries to get in between us, and tries to get himself taken or killed instead of us, we can try and convince him to not do that, and we can instead fight as a team, like how we did back in the CEO's office" Catnap was trying hard to convince the others of this because he didn't want Dogday or any of his friends hurt. "Please guys... I really care about you all, and I don't want you all to end up hurt, if you guys end up doing what Dogday does either you, or all of us are at risk" Catnap was trying hard to convince them, but they all finally realized he was right. "It would be best if we did that since it has the least likely probability of getting one or all of us killed" said Bubba, and Catnap nods towards his friend with a smile.

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